New Guy With A Basic Rule Question

Are Front Porch and Kitchen Porch individual Hue Lights or are the Hubitat groups?

Those options are not available for Hue lights with the native hubitat integration and are not available for groups either.

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Kitchen Porch, Front Porch, and Front Deck are all individual bulbs.

This is a way to group lights so that one "group" command is sent rather than multiple per lamp, its faster and nicer because it stops the "popcorn effect". If theses 2 lamps are in the same location you can add them to the same room in the HUE app and that i believe will create another device in HE. If you were using this device then it would be a group.
If they were directly paired with HE, you can also do the same using the built in app called "groups and scenes"

where are you based BTW it doesn't say anything in your BIO?

Then you should definitely not need to send the On comand first since the On command is also sent along with the level/color command. (That's just how Hue works.) How far is your bridge from each of these bulbs? They are obviously outside...are any of them in closed fixtures with metal or glass?

it does depend on where they are from. It seems only in america they don't have this issue all other lamps outside of there has this issue. Using the HUE bridge does seem to change that for some, but not for me, I had the same issue with or without the bridge. All zigbee 3.0 are the same it seems, mike is currently looking at this and is testing a few.

yes it could be done better but IE if we work out the issue is the same as mine THEN we can neaten this up by doing

Set level to 100%
Colour temperature 4500

that way there is only one ON sent and after the ON just the Kelvin is sent.

They are all outside in glass enclosures with open bottoms. The farthest one is probably 75 feet, closest is probably 25 feet. They react instantly using the hue or hubitat app so I don't think that's an issue, but maybe?

Im taking this as not england :laughing:

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Not necessarily. I know some Brits that convert to imperial for us dumb Americans. Now, I work in a scientific field so I am well versed in the metric system for temperature, volume, lengths and for small weights but get up to large weights and i'm useless. Like I have no idea what i weigh in metric.

But don't you guys still use "stone" in common parlance?

Have you tried after they have been sitting for a length of time to use the Hubitat app or the Hue app? I'l say that 75 feet through at least 1 wall with no repeater is a long way for a zigbee signal to reach. Not impossible but you're pushing it.

All I'm telling you is that when Hubitat sends commands to the Hue hub, it won't matter if the light is on or not, turning the light on has to get built into the message that comes from the hub to the bridge.

yeah :man_facepalming: I have stopped and now use KG but we still drive in MPH and of course we still drink pints :beer:

Anyway if @24v is in america, I dont know of anyone complaining about this issue unless they are the newer zigbee 3.0 ones, SO

This might be the better path to follow. The phased messages may be helping if the signal is not great though? Purely on the assumption that less packet message?

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I was in Canada for work a few years ago and we were having dinner by this small lake back in the woods and I wondered how deep it was. So, I got myself all prepped, in my head I did my feet to meter conversion. I wasn't going to let them get me with answering me in meters. So I ask, "So, how deep is the lake? Like 5, 6 meters?" Both Canuks I was eating with scrunched up their faces, looked at me and went "Meters?!?!? It's like 20 feet." Like I was the freak for using metric. After much discussion (and many more drinks) we determined that anything under 250m they use Imperial and anything over is metric.

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They have been off all day, I will go out there and try to turn them on with the app and see how they respond.

Just tried them each individually in the Hubitat app on my dashboard and they all turn on and respond to changes very quickly.