New guy, new hub, first rule. Help!

Well... that's odd. Lemme go create the same rule and see what it puts in the logs... just to make sure we're not sending you down a rabbit hole.

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Yeah if you use a specific time it writes it to the scheduled jobs list right away but I bet if you use sunset it doesn't write it to the log right away. So kind of a red herring there. Out of curiosity if you look at the settings page and go to "localization" is the data all correct? Lat/long/TZ etc? I was messing with it on my nonprod hub and realized I'd never changed the location to match my own.


Yes localization is all correct. And it did work the first day I made the rule. Thatā€™s why I asked if it repeated the rule automatically or if I needed to specify what days to run (all) in ā€œrestrictionsā€, or something similar.

Sounds like my rule scheduling got lost somehow. Should I reboot the hub and hope for the best?

Rebooting is unlikely to do anything really, but it might help you to know you tried it - as it's easy to do. Remember to always shut down or restart the hub properly not just unplug it

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Yeah I agree with @Inge_Jones - reboot isn't going to do it. I'd turn logging on for both the rule and the device.

What version are you on? I seem to recall a sunrise/set issue on earlier firmware.


I think what I'd do at this point is try remaking the rule in Rule Machine and see if it works better there. If so it might highlight a buglet or something. I guess you didn't accidentally pause it or disable it or something did you?


Latest and greatest, C-7 and after registration first thing I did was update to

I thought rebooting would rebuild the scheduled job table.

Correct, itā€™s not paused.

You could also go to logs/location events and see if you see a sunset entry last night. Out of curiosity was there any point where the hub lost power? Maybe was moved or plugged in elsewhere or something? Or rebooted by pulling the power? That can sometimes cause database corruption - fortunately easy to fix.

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Yes it shows a sunset event at the correct time. No power outage, unplug, or any disruption of the hub at all. It has remained in place, powered on, and undisturbed since I got it. Thanks for all the help hereā€¦

It's good for the hangover.

My suggestion is leave all the logging on and let it run through a day or two and see. And if you want to play with RM it would be easy to set up there too. Or with mode manager, which is what I use. The nice thing about HE is there are about 7 ways to accomplish the same task :slight_smile:

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Also, if you havenā€™t already, be sure to exit the rule by pressing ā€œDoneā€. In RM, it re-schedules the jobs. I assume it would do the same here.


You could add a 1-minute offset to sunset and it'll show up as a scheduled job. I find this helpful in debugging a rule. After a few days of running and logging and understanding what's going on, just change it back to sunset and see if it continues to work.


All great info and suggestions guys thanks. I think Iā€™ll be unproductive and watch some football now. Happy New Year! If anything comes up or changes Iā€™ll update this thread.

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