New Google Home Capabilities - Locks and Sensors .. But not garage doors

I am redoing all of my automations in Google Home (recently retired :slight_smile: ). I used to use virtual switches so I could have Google assistant lock and unlock my doors. Way back when I first set this up, Google home would not allow native control of locks, so I used virtual switches combined with GH automations to work around this restriction. I see that I can now simply add my "Front Door" lock to the integration list with GH and Google assistant accepts verbal commands to lock or unlock the front door (I'm using an old Yale lock with the Generic Z-wave Lock device driver). GH can also tell whether my front door is open or closed after sharing my "Front Door Sensor". I assume that these capabilities are relatively new, because all of the documentation and posts I have seen indicate that GH integration was limited to switches, dimmers, and bulbs. So integrating my locks into GH / Google assistant just got much easier.
Not having the same luck with opening/closing the garage door. I have a Zooz Multi-relay and I'm using the Zooz Multi-relay device driver. I also use the Zooz Garage Door Opener app. GH sees the garage door as a switch. So to open or close the door, I have to tell Google Assistant to "Turn on the Garage Door". It does not understand "Open the garage door". If I integrate using the device created by the Zooz app in GH, it only shares the door sensor with google home. Anybody having more success controlling a garage door natively with Google Home? I'm about to go back to using virtual switches and Google Automations to close this gap.

If this is correct, it sounds like a very bad idea for open windows. Hopefully they enforce a code to unlock.

In regard to the garage door, it appears they allow only status, not control. Did you try creating a Google Home Routine that would close your garage door by turning off a switch when you want the Garage door to close. Again, depends on your situation, but I wouldn't recommend allowing any voice assistants to unlock doors or open a garage door.


I set the "Garage Door" which is a switch from the child device to turn on in GH using a voice command using Automations. I live in a fairly safe area (essentially no crime) and I have multiple cameras around and in my house. So not worried about security. I can also see with my camera that the garage door path is clear. Finally, I'll look into having a msg pushed to my phone whenever the garage door opens or the doors are unlocked digitally. Have not programed that capability yet.

That’s what I meant by, “Depends on your situation”. It’s just general advice for anybody reading this. Not directed towards any specific person. :v:

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So I also gather from your comments that the new capability for GH is news to you too. I wonder when this upgrade will be communicated from Hubitat and/or Google. If anyone knows where this might be officially documented I'd love to see that. :slight_smile:

Enhancements were part of

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Thanks Hydro311! I wonder exactly what level of integration is provided for garage doors. Maybe I need to set something differently so that it works natively to open/close the garage door?

Sorry, but I don't know. Like SmartHomePrimer, I wouldn't ever integrate locks or doors, so I've never looked into it.

I tested with my hub that is running a beta version, well ahead of that release and I still couldn't control the garage door. Could only see status in Google Home. When I asked it to open the garage door, it said that device is not setup yet, but of course it was, because I could see it in Google Home. Google Home is so limited. Reason I started with both years ago, and quickly learned that Google just wasn't going to put in the same level of effort that Amazon was. Even though Amazon has let up on the throttle, they still have a superior home automation capabilies to Google Home, even though Google Home has a generally nicer UI in my opinion.

I use ismartgate integration with Google home. I had problems getting GH to see the garage door until I added the homes name to the command.

Hi Croweflight. Thanks for sharing. Looks like ismartgate is advertised to work with Google. But I don't see it on the compatible device list for Hubitat. Does this use WiFi? Also looks like Google is requiring a PIN for this type of highly integrated control. Sort of strange and inconsistent that Google doesn't require a PIN for a door lock though.

Way back when I started out my smart home journey I spent quite some time and effort in figuring out how to make Alexa open my door without using a code. I was quite proud of myself. I then quickly removed that functionality when I realised I could shout to Alexa through the open bathroom window next to the front door to open the door :rofl:

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Ismartgate is a relic of my early home automation efforts. Four Years before Hubitat. All my devices were WiFi or Thread and integrated with Nest or Google Home. I am aware of a custom driver for Hubitat which will allow Hubitat to command ismartgate to open and close but have not incorporated that in. Can't make a use case for that. Still using Google Home with the App or voice. There is a PIN involved in the process. The vast majority of Garage door use is either using the inside wall button or the traditional in car remote control button. The garage door and Nest thermostat are the only WiFi devices remaining in my home. Everything else is now on Hubitat using mostly z-wave with a sprinkling of zigbee or Abode which uses their 433Mhz AbodeRF protocol. I have integrated Google Home and Abode into Hubitat.

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I don't think this has already been written but sorry if I'm wrong.

You can set a routine in the home app for when you say "open garage door" then to do the action "turn on garage door"

In my case, I do not expose any of the doors or locks directly to Google Home. I have virtual switches, with totally unrelated names. I use those switches in Rule Machine to open the garage when the switch turns off, then turns the switch back on.

Then, I created a routine that uses a special phrase to turn that switch off if I want to use a verbal command.

I do not have any routines for unlocking locks. But I do for locking them. I use a similar approach with those that I use for my garage.

If people know the phrase(s), then they already were trusted.

Thanks Tray_e. Not a bad idea. I was thinking about it being natively exposed to Google for simplicity and convenience. But maybe a "secret phrase" would be best to basically build in some security.