New EZ-Dashboard < Change Colors?

I guess I do not see a way to change colors ?

No, this type of customization is not available in Easy Dashboard -- at least not at the moment, though I don't think the plan ever involves making it quite as flexible as Hubitat Dashboard with custom CSS and similar.

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That will be the continuing struggle in this space.

There will be a LOT of feature requests for more options in Easy Dashboards... But the problem is that a ton of options (even if hidden) makes it NOT easy anymore...

So I'm sure there will be some give and take on where the line is drawn.

I will keep encouraging people to make the feature requests, as they are always welcome. They just need to keep in mind the target audience and focus for Easy Dashboards, and temper their expectations accordingly.


New EZ is a big step forward!
For those of us that don't want to learn CSS or HTM it can be what WE need..
Just add a few things, like tile attributes, like border and tile color choice and a way to move (drag and drop) without all the tiles you pass over moving in random directions.
Thanks for listening to us!
Its definitely a start which looks promising.:slight_smile:


I'm glad this is moving in the right direction. However, sharptools will remain my tool of choice for the foreseeable. If only this could be made local.

/ sigh

This looks way too similar to an xls doc for me.