New Device type Minoston MP26Z

How do you request driver support for new devices? I have bought several Minoston MP26Z Double Plug Z-wave devices but my Hubitat does not have a driver for the double plug. I can use a generic drivers but they affect both outlets at the same time. There is not a way to select the right or left outlet. I have used Zooz Double Plugs in the past and tried that driver but it does not work.

Do the Generic Z-Wave Dynamic Endpoint Device or Generic Z-Wave Plus MultiSwitch drivers work?

@jtp10181 has a Zooz driver that may work with it, IIRC. The Minoston and Zooz plugs have the same manufacturer.

I have the MP24Z and it works with his driver.


Did you run Configure after changing drivers? Do you see child devices? What does or doesn't work, specifically?

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This driver should work: [DRIVER] Zooz Smart Plugs Advanced (ZEN04, ZEN05, ZEN14, ZEN15, ZEN20, ZEN25)

Use the STANDARD driver, it is setup to handle multiple endpoints like with the ZEN14 outdoor double plug. When you run the Configure command It should create two child devices where you can control each plug individually.

The ZEN25 has power metering on both endpoints so its more specialized, so do not use that driver.

I also have in the plans to add a plugs driver to my universal set which will be able to scan your device for settings along with all the features of the Zooz plugs driver. Looks like that just became a priority! So stay tuned over here for updates (mark thread as watched if you want): [DRIVER] Universal Z-Wave Drivers (Switch/Dimmer)

Yay for new z-wave devices!!!

PS - Ignore the warning about having an unknown device, it will not cause any harm it is just letting people know why there are no settings exposed, for when they inevitably select the wrong driver for a Zooz product.

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That was helpful. Thanks. I did not know i had to hit configure. Both switches show up using the Zooz double plug but both still turn on and off together no matter which switch I try. But they work correctly with using the Zooz Zen14 outdoor double plug.

@brandonv If the child devices got created from the ZEN25 driver they will have the wrong drivers set on them. You can switch to the "Device" driver to delete the childs, then use configure from a suitable driver to re-create them.

I would not use the system ZEN14 driver, it will have settings specific for the ZEN14 exposed which may have unintended results on your device.

You best options would be either of @bertabcd1234 's suggestions above.
Generic Z-Wave Dynamic Endpoint Device
Generic Z-Wave Plus MultiSwitch

Or if those do not work good enough, my suggestion of using my custom Zooz / universal driver. The difference with my ZEN14 driver is that is has dynamic settings so if you have an unknown (to the driver) device then no device settings are exposed.

Also, if they do work, let me know and the fingerprint can get added to the driver. :smiley: (And if they don't and someone has one to loan or wants to try to convince the manufacturer to send one to Bryan or someone...)

I had the same issue with MP26Z. Using the Generic Z-Wave plus MultiSwitch solved the problem (have 2 working child devices). Thanks for the help, Really appreciated

I recently purchased one of these to replace a failing zooz double switch. I had no idea Minoston and Zooz have the same manufacturer!
I also had to set the driver to Z-Wave plus MultiSwitch to get the plugs to switch independently. However, I was expecting the parent device to be able to turn both plugs on/off at the same time, and it doesnt do that.
Could this custom driver enable that behavior?

What about a quick (from on state) off-on command?
I use the double switch to control dumb 3-level switchable white color temperature bulbs. Sometimes rules dont work fast enough doing the off-on to switch the white temperature.

You could try my Standard Plugs driver (linked above with more info).
I have on/off commands on the parent and it sends it to endpoint 0, which for the Zooz devices will impact both plugs. Not sure if the Ministon will behave the same or not.

As for the quick off/on, I dont think a command built into the driver will make it any faster than RM, its more of a limitation of the z-wave mesh and how quickly the commands get to the device.

If you do try my driver let me know how it works. As I said above, I will eventually port all those features over to a better universal plugs driver that will scan the device for all of its settings as well.