New Device - Ecolink Garage Door Controller GCZW7-ECO

I just got this new Ecolink Garage Door Controller GCZW7-ECO installed, and I had hoped that the Generic Z-Wave Garage Door Opener driver would work with it. It's close! The Open and Close commands work, but the state of the device never transitions to open or closed, and just gets stuck on the opening or closing states. I'm hoping to use this with my Hubitat dashboard and Homekit, so that's not going to be good enough for me :slight_smile:
Is it possible to get the source code for the Generic Z-Wave Garage Door Opener driver so I have something to work from in coding my own Custom Driver?

The tilt sensor is what should be supplying the status.. it tells the GCZW7 and then the GCZW7 tells the hub. Are you sure the Tilt Sensor has been paired to the GCZW7?

I went digging around the internet for some example drivers for other Garage Door Openers and found what was going wrong. Turns out I just needed to refresh the device status after it had decided the door was properly closed. I've set up a Rule Machine rule to refresh it every minute, and the device is now reporting the correct status.

Because the status is now working, the dashboard and HomeKit both work as well!

I'd still like to develop a proper driver for it, as I'm having to set some parameters on it with the Basic Z-Wave Tool driver, like the relay time, and door open or door close timeouts.

The driver you are using is internal to Hubitat but there are alternatives where the source is in the Community.

It's Zooz specific but the Child App might provide some hints because the child Driver uses it..