New device.deleteCurrentState function in Release

Regarding the new device.deleteCurrentState function in, is expected behavior for the device web page Current States section to immediately reflect the deletion of the currentState (i.e., the deleted attribute "vanishes")?

I performed a quick test of the function - after the invocation, the device web page Current States section is unchanged. If I manually force a web page refresh, the deleted attribute is removed from the Current States bulleted list. Would be nice for this to happen without intervention, similar to how attribute values are visually updated.

Release Available

Changes from


  • New device.deleteCurrentState(attributeName) function for drivers.
  • Hub mesh nodes are cached between reboots.
  • Improved error messages for apps/drivers using libraries.
  • New getHubVersion() function for apps and drivers.

I understand what you’re saying, but the function may be called without a UI present so attempting to connect the two would seem to be counter-intuitive. If you as a developer, are creating a driver or app then you have control of the UI as well and can/should implement this.

OK thanks. While testing the function, I used the device web page to see if the changes were reflected in the device attributes. Since it's a 'default' UI, it would be convenient for the device to be updated, but not necessary.

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