New Denon/Onkyo support in 2.3.6

From the recent release notes:

  • Denon and Onkyo AVR drivers:
    • Added zone 2 and 3 support.
    • Added watchdog.
    • Added input name support to setInputSource command.

Does anyone know how to actually "use" zone 2 or 3?

I see the watchdog support and selected 2 zones...but don't see a way to say set volume in zone 2.

If the zone option is selected a child device will be created for each zone.

I have two zones set on this Onkyo, one for some ceiling speakers in the bathroom and the other for some outdoor speakers.
For the bathroom I have a rule that turns on that zone if motion is detected and the AVR is powered on.
And another rule (using the new Media Input Source component of the mirror app) that changes the zone input to follow the main input.


Ok I had a device with the old I'll delete and start over and maybe that will trigger the new devices. I just opened the device I had, chose 2 zones and set the watchdog interval but never got child devices.

Ok got child device of zone 2 now. Inputs not showing up and I did get this in the log:

2023-09-20 12:08:16.311 PMerrorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: denonAVR.runIn() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Double, java.lang.String) values: [20.0, initialize]
Possible solutions: run(), run(), run(, [Ljava.lang.String;), println(), mute(), on() on line 151 (method updated)

did you select all the inputs on the physical AVR?, thats how they get added initially.
or are you saying they got added to the main zone, but not the others?
The error is related to the watchdog and I'll get that fixed

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I did after that....I remembered that's how that worked. Inputs all in there now, Thanks!