New cheap Zigbee 3.0 products

I looked at using these specifically for windows and curtains, but it is missing the position wiring so left my fibaro z-wave modules in place. I didn't want to have to go down the road of position based on timing. Shame really as it's a great price.

Savage, this was my exact worry. So there is no calibration in the unit?

I suppose the calibration timing could be done in the driver? I assume the timing would need to be saved to the state. It certainly wouldn't want to be done in the app or rule as it's going to be out of sync quickly.

sorry i need bottled water as i had colon surgery for diverticulitis and am now sensitive to whatever different bacteria (even with pro-biotics) is in tap water. so not everyone is just hoarding. i go through a case every two weeks.

I hope it's obvious that I'm referring to your generic water drinker, not folks w/medical or other issues that require bottled water. But clearly cases like yours are by far the statistical minority...most of the folks buying the bottled water are just getting it out of habit, rather than need. I am sorry about your situation, an old friend of mine is in the same boat, not fun.


we do recycle them though at least here. back on topic i was looking at these. but dont see how they work with shades or vertical blinds i have not found anthing usefull that can install and pull the cords to open close them.

I have motorized blinds and these are for these types of blinds rather than upgrading existing ones.

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As far as I could tell trying to research the device, it doesn't do a seek to determine the duration of full travel and simply responds to "open" or "close". I may be wrong as there is precious little documentation about them, you may have to roll your own driver. I may still buy one to check.

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the 2 gang works correctly with the aurora zigbee switch driver :slight_smile:

@mike.maxwell fingerprint

fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0004,0005,0006", model:"LXN59-2S7LX1.0", manufacturer:"3A Smart Home DE"

Build quality of the 2 gang and blind controller is pretty low it's certainly not up to EU electrical regs. Bit switch on side isn't fixed and moves. The screw terminals can be touched even if completely screwed in, which if a cable is in can't be. Part of the regs means says that shouldn't be possible for safety, for example though this would mean it can't be installed in a metal back box. Luckily for me its going in a fast fix plastic box.

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@chirpy There is no built in ZigBee blind driver that I know of or could find. I tried it with the aurora switch driver and the on makes it go one way and the off another. Just need to find a driver to get it working correctly.

the plain zigbee switch build quality is much better and is likely compliant to better standards. Ironically it's the only one without the CE mark :man_shrugging:

Maybe this zemismart zigbee driver is a place to start:

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It works partly commands work, just looks like it's only a part completed driver because the states never get create.

I think I'll get one and see if I can write a driver for it.

One last try might be the ikea blind driver by a4refillpad:

Think this is the one i just tried and it was the same, no states. I will try again just incase.

Edit yeah the same

This is true-ish. The issue is Canada having a smaller population than just one US state, there's not as much price negotiation. Pricing has to be decided well in advance with room for uncertainty so Canadian distributors don't get screwed by the dollar fluctuation.

However, of late I have noticed that there are certain items I've found that are the same price in Canadian dollars as they are in US dollars, which means if that's an item I'm looking for, I add it to my cart immediately :grin: There's probably less uncertainty when setting pricing right now. All our economies are in the crapper and we know we're going to be there for a long time.


Great to see someone following Test Cricket. It has been a great game until now.


Shame. I'm getting one of these this Wednesday and will have a play.

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Good news, I got one of the Zigbee Smart Curtain Switches. Bad news, as I suspected, it does not support set or get position/level. It appears to be Open/Stop/Close only. Opening a %age would have to be done in the driver which is only likely to drift.

Edit: Because you cannot interrogate for whether it is open or closed or %age, the driver cannot reliably report open or closed either as the driver will have to keep track. So if it is open and the HE is rebooted, then the shade will be in an unknowable state.

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