New C7 hub, Aeotec Dual Nano & Multisensor6 issue... Australia

There's a resource to know all about your devices: ZWave Alliance Certification Database.

The Aeon/Aeotec Nano Dimmer details show it does not support S2 but does support S0 at 128 bits.

Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 7.08.29 AM

Which I think explains Hubitat's S2 field. It's not exclusively S2 :frowning:

Therefore, I believe you've included your devices at S0 and are going to have a much slower mesh than you'd like.

You can lookup any certified device and find the details.

The Dual Nano's show the same table for No S2

Double clicking to join for Aeon products does mean "join securely" but only at the security level it supports... which is S0 for the 500 series devices.

The Aeon Recessed Door Sensor 7, for example has a different answer to the S2 question:

Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 7.17.07 AM

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Thank you for clarifying that further - good information to know. Now I'll be going back and re-adding all my Nano Dimmers in the 'green' mode to speed up my mesh!

Thanks for all the assistance - great community here.

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First post but just to say that with my Fibaro wall sockets each time I added them it came up with the pop up box asking about security and then prompting for the 5 digit code on the socket to pair them as S2 if I didn't untick the box (as a newbie I ended up with half secure attached and half not secure once I read how to switch it off). My Aeon/Aeotec multisensor's however never came up with the pop up/prompt and just paired in secure mode when I just went to check the devices. I have switched away from the builtin C7 driver because I am using an external sensor to provide the light level/luminance and it was only reporting every hour. Using this driver lets me tweak the options. -


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Aeon makes Secure and Insecure joining easy... Click the button once, it joins insecure. To get it to join Securely, the manuals say to click the button twice, quickly.

There are other devices that have no button and no way to limit Secure. An EcoLink Tilt Sensor, is an example, I hear. You put it into Include/Exclude by removing, waiting, then inserting the Battery. It will join Securely S0, which is undesirable in many cases, perhaps most cases. It doesn't have S2 and thus no Popup is shown.

Putting aside the known S2 Joining issues the first release of the C-7 has (a proposed fix is in Beta Test) you may Join the Fibaro with S2 and the popup will usually offer 3 preselected buttons. That's the correct selection, go ahead and use it. If you want them to join insecurely, you'll want to deselect ALL of the options. There's no penalty for S2, so it's a very useful option to accept... just not today. Wait for the fix.

The Aeon MultiSensor 6 doesn't support S2, so the 'correct' join method is insecure, because you want to avoid S0. Single click. Which the MultiSensor doesn't make exactly easy. I have a dozen at least and I open the back and flick the lever. I can feel the click better. :slight_smile:

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