New App Features in 2.2.8

Exactly. And for those that just don't like the "optics" of it.... Well, consider it free OCD de-sensitization therapy.


Hahahaha, yeah, that's what I was thinking re: OCD, now I will have Rule Machine 5.0, Rule Machine Legacy, Simple Automation Rules and Basic Rules. Looks messy and I only have a dozen rules :joy:

Don't forget buttons :smiley:

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I agree,
I also moved everything to Rule 5.0 because the Force is to strong :rofl:


That brings up a question... aside from don't fix it - why would we want instances of all of those if the same thing can be done on RM? Do Simple, and Basic use less compute than RM? And MY OCD wouldn't let me keep 4.0 rules - just finished replacing the last one... will uninstall Legacy once I can validate everything is working.


As did I. LOL :upside_down_face:


You guys have too much free time. :stuck_out_tongue:


I wish I did, with about 150 4.0 rules I will leave them where they are but I am testing the simpler ones. OCD hasn't hit me yet.

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I like this quote. Validates my inertia (laziness)


Very, very few people have OCD (thank goodness). That term is thrown around a lot, but almost no one that says they have it really does. :wink: Most of them are just bored people with too much time on their hands to nit pick insignificant things.

Which is obviously their right to do so, but I'm just saying...


I have to admit I have been transferring some rules -

  1. to get the hang of it.

  2. the conditions simplifies the logic layers and for instance i have a motion rule (I know I should be using the motion app - anyway the first condition I had was ā€œif mode /= night or midnightā€ weā€™ll now thatā€™s a condition and gets evaluated before the trigger. Is it faster. I think it is. Lol.

  3. in BC5 you can run other RMs which means I was able to move a few RM4 button controllers to BC5 where the should be

  4. what I really want to get to is move the rules that use global variables because Bruce stated that the hub variables are more efficient. When global variables first came out I went a little crazy and moved the majority of my virtual switches to GVs. Big mistake. It was a definite performance hit. I moved the majority of them back to virtual switches but some things make a lot more sense being a GV. But moving these rules is a bigger undertaking which is going to involve a bunch of rules in clumps across two hubs. I am not there yet.

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Makes sense to me!! I've moved a few rules from
Node-red to RM5 myself to play with the new variables.. :slight_smile:


15 posts were split to a new topic: Confused by Days of the Week

Thanks for the updates. Do we have a "while" loop yet, or on the horizon?

While loops have been around since at least Rule 4.0. From the Rule 5.0 documentation:

A Repeat Actions, like any action, can have a condition specified. If the condition is False, the Repeat Actions block will not be executed. If the condition becomes False during repetition, the repetition will be stopped (with the exception of when Repeat N Times is selected). This provides three features well known to computer programmers.

  1. While-loop - The while-loop runs only if the condition is true, and stops if it is false.
  2. For-loop - A for-loop runs for a fixed number of times, but if a condition exists, it will only start that iteration if the condition is true; The condition is not retested during iteration.
  3. Repeat-until loop - A repeat-until loop runs until a condition becomes true, running at least once.


While loop - repeat while the condition is True:

IF (condition) Repeat Actions some actions... END-REP

For loop (repeat n times):

Repeat Actions n times some actions... END-REP

Conditional For loop (repeat n times if condition is True):

IF (condition) Repeat Actions n times some actions... END-REP

Repeat-Until loop:

Repeat Actions with Stop selected some actions IF (condition) Stop Repeating Actions END-REP

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As @672southmain explains above, there is sort of a while loop now, based on a single condition. I'm actually working on a full blown While True loop that would be based on multiple conditions, not just one, a full logical expression (or "rule").


That would make my life complete.


Wait, what about Repeat Until?


I am a simple soul, with simple needs.


There should be 4 types of iterators:

While truth (truth determined before the loop, may not run at all)
Until truth (truth determined at the end of the loop, will run at least once)
Repeat N times
Repeat forever

All optionally stoppable, with Rule pausable, where resume also resumes the iteration where it left off.