New App default page

Is there, or will there be, an option of what page/tab the app (2.0 build 134) opens? I use dashboards much more than anything on the current default home page. Would be good for my app to open directly to the dashboard tab like the previous app did.


The default page will be always the last page visited. if you want a specific Dashboard launch upon start
click Dashboards, Click on gear on top, Enable custom Dashboard, and past the specific URL link to the dashboard.
Hope that helps


If I open the app again, it always seems to default to the home tab, even if the last thing I had opened was the dashboard tab. Well definitely if the app is closed, maybe if it stays in background it's where I left it. If the last thing I had opened was the dashboard tab, are to saying it should open that tab next time even if the app is closed? This doesn't seem to happen for me.

Good to know about the custom dashboard. I don't need it to open to a certain dashboard just the list of all my dashboards.

I just tried again & It seems with the IPhone it will always launch to the last page opened, even when I close and exit the app. It may be different on Android devices.

With the new app (Android), the "Custom Dashboard" setting does nothing for me - when the app starts, it always opens to the "Home" page.

I've also noticed that "chaining" dashboards doesn't work the same. My main dashboard is simply jump links to 6 other dashboards; in the old app, hitting the phone's "back" key from one of the chained dashboards would go back to the previous (main) dashboard. With the new app, the phone's "back" key returns to the app's Home page.

I also notice that in the old app I could click the dashboard tab again and it would take back to the root of the dashboards (list). It was easy to click. Now it seems that the only way to get back there is by clicking that hubitat logo in the top left or changing tabs in the app which isn't as ideal.

On a very high positive note though is that the dashboards load much faster. And finally don't have the wait 3 seconds for local dashboard thing.

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