New Android App Sort Devices

Is there a way to sort the rooms alphabetically in the devices tab in the new Android app?

Yes, just noticed this today (must have been blind...)...

Both the rooms and devices in rooms appear to be sorted randomly (or based on some internal metric.) Since we don't have any options to change the sort, the default sort should be alpha for both rooms and devices in rooms, just as it is in the hub's web UI.

Related request:

The menu at the top of the Devices page always displays the option to Expand All. However, it only displays the Collapse All option if all rooms are expanded.

So if you've expanded a few of your rooms and want to collapse everything again, you have to first use the Expand All option to get the Collapse All option to appear.

TL;DR: Always display the Collapse All option if one or more rooms are expanded, please. :slight_smile:


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