Neurio Home Electricity Monitor Integrations

Which lines have variables to replace with the login info to the local unit?

Once you add the device and save it - those boxes show up.

Thanks for your work.
I have the device installed, with data but
adding a Tile the Device is not listed.

I left mine null with no problems.

To use devices in a dashboard now, you have to authorize the device for that particular one. There is no special tile for Neurio. You can use one of the existing ones or the custom attribute one.

Yep! My bad. Thanks

Ha! No worries. I am still used to all devices being available so I always go into the dashboard, try to add something, then realize I need to go authorize it. Someday I should be used to it...

Progress ! I recreated the Driver code, pasting in yours unchanged. Then I went to Devices and added a virtual one for this. After saving, I get data and can refresh it in its device screen. Hurray.

But I don't understand this authorize thing when I go to find it in the add tile screen, pull down its lot listed to pick. I have not found where this "authorize" thing gets done. I have the latest firmware in the hub. Rebooting no change. Is creating the device as virtual perhaps part of the problem.

Thanks much

What you need to do is go to the Apps section (not the Dashboards section), and select the Dashboard you want to authorize a device for. When it opens there will be a "Choose Devices" selection where you can go and check all the devices you want authorized for that Dashboard (or you can toggle all on/off).

Once you have checked the Neurio device there (authorized it) select Done and then go to the specific Dashboard (in the Dashboards section) to add tiles for it.

I also went into apps to select an existing dashboard and no not see an authorization choice here either. When I created the virtual device, I selected TYpe as Generic Energy Meter. If I hit discover devices, another one comes up with no detail, and a different DNI than assigned automatically for the device I had created and working.

On a different topic in your code, can I change polling to faster than 1 minute, say 10 seconds?

Ok I found it. It only shows the ones already ahthorized but if I click in that window the needed check boxes show. Thanks.

Hi More Newbie questions. I'm wanting to configure what shows in the tile differently, or else edit the device driver code to change wording for text fields of the default attribute choices. The values are ok, but the names not clear enough for how I think about this when viewed in the Dashboard.

I also note that in the device screen, the display of data "Titles" is different after you do a refresh. Example:

In effect I thought I could edit text in the Groovy code to achieve the look I want, if I can't create a custom tile.

Id also like to be able to show the last update time on the Dashboard tile along with the data but don't see a way to do that short of yet another tile having just that information.

One of the reasons for all this is that I have in effect 4 different power meter devices on my electrical panel, 3 of which have Hubitat drivers available. What I like to be able to do is see essentially real time data on the tiles, and see that they are within reason of each other from the different power meters I have. My original is an AeotecHEM2; then I add a Neurio with 4 channels (now PWRview/Generac), when I installed solar panels, I added the Solaredge driver (which does not seem to allow be real time data, only very granular energy vs instant power. Finally the latest device is an Emporia Energy with 16 CT channels attached but there is no API offered (yet but I'm asking them) Not sure they will do it because they want to be a hub also I believe.

So I want to do custom tiles with available data in the API, or edit Groovy drivers working the API so I can change text in tile titles. Id also like automated refresh of the tile data faster than the 1 minute available in your code right now.


So it should be possible in a variety of ways but I have added a feature in to make it pretty easy overall. @anon81541053 showed how to do this with his Ecowitt driver, creating and updating an HTML attribute where you can put whatever names and attributes you want in it. Instructions on how to use the new "html" attribute are included in the driver but I will copy them below also.

Updated Version(s):

  • Neurio.groovy = 0.6.2


  • Included html attribute to allow for multiple attributes to be displayed readily on a dashboard. Instructions are as follows:
  1. In "Hubitat -> Devices" select the child/sensor (not the parent) you would like to "templetize"
  2. In "Preferences -> HTML Tile Template" enter your template (example below) and click "Save Preferences"
    ex: Voltage: ${ CONSUMPTION_Voltage }</br>Power: ${ CONSUMPTION_Power }</br>
  3. In a Hubitat dashboard, add a new tile, and select the child/sensor, in the center select "Attribute", and on the right select the "html" attribute
  4. Select the Add Tile button and the tile should appear

Thanks, I’ll get on this tomorrow. Can’t wait to see

I do not see any child devices being created (if I understand that that is properly) and as a result no html based tile shows within the dashboard.

If I select html vs the the power attribute in 3rd column (now eating my words, the html one does show!

I'll post more later once I edit that to what I wanted. Not sure why this did not work earlier this m orning when I tried the same thing.
The debug log did not seem to call out an error.

When I edit for the data field I wanted vs your sample, I can change the display text, but value shows up null. What I want there is called Channel4Power under state variables or Generation_Power show as Current state all on the device page refresh. I also want to show the timestamp

What am I missing?

My iPhone app shows something like this:

When I turn on some EV charging (2964 watts for this test) here is what my iphone apps shows and again the kind of data I wanted on the Hubitat tile. In my system the EV charger and Solar inverter are both on a subpanel together but my CTs measure the net of that subpanel accessed at my main panel where the meter and breaker to check are located.

And a snippet from the Neurio API on data requested

My Neurio driver does not create any child devices at this time.

Can you show me what you put as the Preference for the html field? The default html (Voltage & Power) appears to have worked when you added it. I cannot see what you tried though because it is not in the screenshot (the one that shows all the State Variables and Current States, wish Hubitat named those differently).

I am working on some other changes to the driver tonight... so there is a good chance I can fix it if I can find out what is going on.

Sure, so glad you are doing this, hope others out there can use this.

I'm not entirely sure which values are available for display in html but I'd think anything on a refresh screen is fair game providing I can figure out the field name. Here is a recent trial with the code used in html pref


Hope you can figure this out.

I think I have it now. The html seems to prefer values from Events (not just State Variables). I reworked the parse section to use newer methods I use in my other drivers for processing state and event data, and it seems to be working.

I realize that I have taken over this thread as a project thread, so I have now created one in the Community Drivers area (here). The latest driver (0.6.3) has been posted and I will try to keep such updates over there.