Nest integration

Seems to work perfectly, thanks for the thorough explanation of setting up the custom commands!

I pushed out another update to the app and driver – the app can now listen for Hubitat mode changes. Just enable the toggle in the integration app and click ‘Done’, and the app will set home/away based on the value of mode (‘Away’ is away, anything else is home).



A suggestion if I may. Maybe we can select which modes are away, which are home? In AZ, if I am away, and the temperature is over 100, I do not want eco mode or away, because my AC will take hours to catch up when I come home. I have a mode that is Away Overtemp, which I suppose I could just call overtemp as a solution as well…

The app currently sets the Nest to ‘away’ (when that feature is enabled) only for a mode named exactly ‘Away’. Your ‘Away Overtemp’ mode won’t trigger away mode.

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I can not find your code on github.

And thank you. Nest is an important part of my system

It’s in GitHub - jason0x43/hubitat: Hubitat apps and drivers.


For anyone using this app/driver, I just pushed out an update that adds a couple more parameters to the driver's state (current temp, thermostat operating state, along with some aliases for consistency with the built-in app) and also makes the sign on process slightly easier (at least, there are instructions in the app now).

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I'm using this. It's clean and simple and does exactly what I need with no fuss. Thanks.

Yes, I've come back to this after having some issues with built-in integration, thanks for the update.

Any chance you would be able to add an option to disable/minimize the logging output?

Edit: thanks for removing the logging!

Went to add this last night and annoyingly the API keys have exceeded their client requests and Nest aren't accepting new Developer account requests at the moment :frowning:

Which API keys? I mean, my integration (if that's the one you were referring to) doesn't have any default API keys; it requires you to create your own Nest dev account and OAuth app, and it uses those.

Regarding the new dev account requests, do you mean that you can't sign up for a dev account at all, or were you referring to this message?

So far as I can tell, you can still create new OAuth clients, they just won't be published (which is fine; you don't need to publish the client used for my Nest integration).

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Ah no, not yours specifically. I was just playing with the Link Apps last night and saw the Nest one (i'd earlier that day added a new Nest protect to my house) so thought I'd have a play. I think it's the Official one.

Anyway, on trying to authenticate my Nest account with the Hubitat app I was seeing an error in the Dev console todo with client keys exceeding their usage which I think are the Hubitat provided ones.

I was meaning that message and perhaps didn't fully read/understand it but thanks for clarifying I can still register and generate them, I'll crack on and get it setup :slight_smile:

Ah, ok. Yeah, I believe the official Hubitat Nest integration app (which uses it's own OAuth app rather than requiring users to make their own) is maxed out, in that it can't support any more clients right now. That probably won't be fixed until Nest finishes whatever they're doing to their OAuth system.

Well, that's the impression I've gotten. It works for me, but I added the app as soon as it was available. :slight_smile:

But now the HE app has a place to enter your own api key under "advanced".. I got it working but still might check yours out! If you are coming from ST you have to change the OAUTH redirect on the nest dev site.

I have a question.. I too was seeing the error.. so I went to my ST panel where a client / secret was previously generated when I was attempting to get a nest integration app to work..

Do these client / secret pairs only apply to specific requests? I tried copying to the pair into the app setup on Hubitat.. but there is another hiccup where I am prompted to get a PIN to be used for the authorization. When I click it, I get a new window with ' Oops! We’ve encountered an error. Please try again.' which I believe is the expected error with the max'd requests.

Any way around this? I don't know if the key/secret pair are ok but just missing the pin or if it all has to be re-generated etc..

Update.. I went to the site and setup a developers account (evidently the lockout has been lifted).. I attempted to fill out the info as good as I could.. It gave me a client ID / Secret and also generated a PIN to use.. I took those values and plugged it into the Hubitat app page and got past it.. I am confused how to use the newly added app etc.. but I will continue to research.

Another Update: I tinkered until suddenly both nest devices appear to be polling.. Things changed for me when I used the device serial number for their device id.. I dont know if that is supposed to match or if it just kicked things a little to get it working...

I can see the devices. I think I am close.. I am at a loss as to how to add a tile that shows the different status's of the thermostat.. I can select temperature and see a temperature in the tile.. but thats it.. If I change the template to humidity I see humidity.. Only one value shown at a time and I dont appear to have any way to control anything..

Any tips anyone? Any help is appreciated.

With my Nest app, you need to create an "application" in your Nest dev account and connect Hubitat to that using the client secret and ID, which it sounds like you've done. Once you've fully connected to Nest using a PIN, you can choose your structure (home) and specific Nest to control, at which point a new Nest device will be added to Hubitat.

That Nest device can be used directly and by automations (like Rule Machine) to control the thermostat. You can also use it with Homebridge to give Homekit access to your Nest. I haven't tried using it with Hubitat tiles (I don't use Hubitat's dashboards), so I can't really say much there.

From Nest...
Thank you for your interest in the Works with Nest program. We're currently restructuring our developer program and are no longer accepting new developers to the program or performing client integration reviews for existing developers until the new program is implemented. Stay tuned for further details and announcements.

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They've been "restructuring" since the beginning of last summer, maybe longer....