Neo Coolcam Power Plug issue in S2 unathenticated mode

In short - on/off command NOT functioning, as well as switch status not obtainable for device (Neo Coolcam Power Plug NAS-WR01 as on box stated) included in S2 unathenticated mode.

Have 2 Neo Coolcam Power Plugs. No S2 code on plug body or box provided, so I failed to include as S2 authentucated, despite device announce that.

One plug (lets name it A) included with Security "None" , other (B) as "S2 Unauthenticated".

As a result plug A is fully functional - PVA measurements, on/off status and command working.
Plug B - PVA measure ok, hub does not see switch status and NOT able to execute On/Off.... :frowning:

Plug B (S2 Unauth) have no "switch : ..." in Current States.
Commands On/Off only produce in log:
dev:163 2021-02-05 13:03:08.786 debugon()...
dev:163 2021-02-05 13:03:08.773 debugoff()...
dev:163 2021-02-05 13:03:08.768 debugon()...
dev:163 2021-02-05 13:03:05.663 debugoff()...
dev:163 2021-02-05 13:03:04.949 debugon()...

Plug A (None):
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:53.069 infoplg HWC switch is off
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:53.065 debugBasicReport(value:0)
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:52.944 infoplg HWC switch is off
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:52.941 debugSwitchBinaryReport(value:0)
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:52.774 debugoff()...
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:52.770 debugoff()...
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:49.983 infoplg HWC switch is on
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:49.980 debugBasicReport(value:255)
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:49.883 infoplg HWC switch is on
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:49.880 debugSwitchBinaryReport(value:255)
dev:131 2021-02-05 12:59:49.818 debugon()...

P.S. During inclusion device driver not assigned/choosed automatically.

^^ ZWave details.

^^ plug A, Security = None

^^ plug B, Security = S2 Unauthenticated

^^ state "switch" not available for plug B

Information obtained by "Basic Z-Wave tool" driver, hope it can help.

dev:163 2021-02-05 14:11:40.254 info CommandClassReport- class:0x6C, version:1
dev:163 2021-02-05 14:11:39.788 info CommandClassReport- class:0x55, version:2
dev:163 2021-02-05 14:11:39.259 info CommandClassReport- class:0x9F, version:1
dev:163 2021-02-05 14:11:38.737 info CommandClassReport- class:0x98, version:1
dev:163 2021-02-05 14:11:38.240 info CommandClassReport- class:0x5E, version:2

dev:163 2021-02-05 14:13:21.007 info Version Report - FirmwareVersion: 2.23, ProtocolVersion: 6.04, HardwareVersion: 16

Changed driver to 'Zooz Power Switch', as per Community Device Drivers (AKA Compatible Devices Wiki)
Looks better - state 'switch' is available now and it is controllable by hub.

But... as usual, have a 'but':

  • state 'energy' become negative after switching on;
  • energyDuration not available anymore.

Added one more Neo Coolcam Power Plug - in S0 security mode.

Now: state 'switch' is available and controllable from hub.
But.... only current (A) measurements available, NO voltage and power...

With Zooz driver - all fine, except previousle described issues with energy & energyDuration.

P.S. Such a mess :slight_smile:

BTW Zooz driver devices in S0/S2 security mode constantly show Low voltage/current/power = 0.00, but for None Security - low measurement during state switch = on.

Which device type are these using?

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