My apologies but recently I had two hubs removed from my account after subscriptions services were removed. Hubitat would not let me remove them with the active subscriptions even though I had canceled them. You wonderful folks had to still go in and remove the registrations.
Later I was informed that I needed to re-register the hubs and delete the Z-Wave and Zigbee databases. I have now deleted the databases but; on one device I selected register my hub when re-initializing the device. Laster I saw I could access the 2nd hub without registering 1st and delete those radio databases.
Would you please remove the following hub from my account?
FYI. After accidentally re-registering the one hub I tried to de-register it myself; however, once again I continue to receive a message that it still has subscriptions even though the subscriptions page does show they were removed earlier by you folks.
Will the new recipient of this hub have a problem indicating it is still registered like I am still seeing or will they not see it because they are trying to register to a new account?
I am posting to the correct account support_team for these types of questions. I am not sure if any personal data would be seen by the general user community for these types of requests
Thanks again for all the help,