Need help with new Philips wall switch module [RDM001]

I just purchased a few of these and set them up in hubitat last Saturday and tied them into a motion rule as a button to toggle the power. It works great but 3 days later the battery is now dead on 3 of them. The battery on these should last 5 years. Is there any possibility that this new driver could have some issues? Looking back at the logs on Sat it reported 100%, Sun it reported 60%, Mon it was 30% and today it is dead.

Does it do an excessive amount of reporting? If not that, it is possible that if it is on a weak mesh it is doing a lot of retransmitting trying to reach the hub.

They do not.

Are all of them having this issue?

I bought a Hue normal button (not the in wall one) and the battery was dead after a few days. Googling told me I wasn't the only one. Maybe it shipped with a bad battery - maybe they all did. Anyway I sent it back

It reports when used and battery reports maybe once a day so I would say no.

I have had hue buttons and the dimmer switches for several years and have never had to replace the batteries yet. My experience has been great.

Of the 6 that I put in 4 are dead or close to it. The other two have not been getting much use so I am guessing it is tied to usage.

I'll join up the one I have and see if I can see anything unusual.
When you say usage based, for the ones going dead, about how often are these being toggled?

Maybe 5 times, max 10 times a day. I am going to get some new batteries as well and see if these just shipped with bad ones. I got them during a buy 2 get one deal from philips, maybe they had to get rid of some bad batteries :-).

ok, i'll run a test over night toggling it every 5 or 10 minutes and see how it fairs in the morning...

It is possible we just moved into a new home so this is a new environment for me. I will say though, it is sitting right next to a Zigbee wall switch that is also a repeater.

I ran it over night, every minute, so about 1000 toggles.
Battery started at 100%, ended at 60%, measured with a battery tester, actual battery ended at 80%.
I also did a frame capture on it, nothing unusual, two frames per toggle.
So that doesn't seem horrible, but 5 years on the battery seems pretty optimistic, maybe if its only used twice per day.

Well 24hrs on a new battery and I am still sitting at 100%. So fingers crossed maybe they just came with bad batteries. Going to keep an eye on it over the next few days.