Need help with Everspring SM103

You might want to try the stock Generic Zwave Contact Sensor driver time see if it works. This way you are staying out of the box. You can always tag @mike.maxwell with the fingerprint to add to the driver.

They didn't work with the stock driver. I tried it with 2 different sensors a couple dozen times. I wouldn't even use them but they have external contacts that I needed for this application.

When you switched did you click configure?

Yep. Followed the same procedures as I did with the ported DTH (plus pulling batteries, tamper switch, etc. when it wouldn't work). I even tried rebooting the hub on several occasions. I tried device resets, excluding using ST, excluding using HE, excluding using a minmote. They just don't seem to like the HE stock universal driver for some reason.

@Royski Thank you for this driver code. I had the same issue as @oldcomputerwiz and this solved the issue for me. Much appreciated.


Woo hoo! I just purchased the same Everspring SM103 to use as a wired contact sensor to an infrared beam sensor to remind me if I've parked my car in the garage. This driver did the trick!


Came here because i couldnt get my mates first contact sensor (Everspring contact sensor i gave him) set up in his new Hubitat C7......and what do you know my good friend Roy's done it again, problem
Thanks Again Roy.
hope your doing well, ive a night of porting an entire house over to HE from ST

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Nice one matey :+1: long time no speak. Hope you had fun :joy::joy::joy:

This also worked for me, thanks so much!

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