Need Help With Code Modification

I have a simple app that I wrote myself to give me weather alerts. It has worked fine. Based on things I have been reading I wanted to change the httpget to asynchttpget. Having a little issue with the response. Not being that good a programmer I don't know what to do here. So looking for some help.

Here is the original code:

def getAlerts(evt){

def requestParams =
			uri:  wxURI,
			requestContentType: "application/json",
			contentType: "application/json"

httpGet(requestParams)	{	  response ->
		if (response?.status == 200){
			    log.debug "Building alertmsg."
			// build out variables from JSON feed
				alertheadline =[0].properties.headline
				event =[0].properties.event
				effective =[0].properties.effective
				ends =[0].properties.ends
				msg = alertheadline.replaceAll("by NWS Springfield MO","")
				msg = msg.replaceAll("CDT","")
				msg = msg.replaceAll("CST","")
				id =[0]
			else {msg = "No Current Weather Alerts"
			id = "none"
				  log.debug "${msg}"}
		else log.warn "${response?.status}"


Here is the new code. I get the following error .
The error I get is: errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'features' on null object on line 87 (alertHandler)

Line 87 is the one if({

def getAlerts(evt){

def requestParams =
			uri:  wxURI,
			requestContentType: "application/json",
			contentType: "application/json"


def alertHandler(resp, data) {

if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) {
     response = parseJson( 

			    log.debug "Building alertmsg."
			// build out variables from JSON feed
				alertheadline =[0].properties.headline
				event =[0].properties.event
				effective =[0].properties.effective
				ends =[0].properties.ends
				msg = alertheadline.replaceAll("by NWS Springfield MO","")
				msg = msg.replaceAll("CDT","")
				msg = msg.replaceAll("CST","")
				id =[0]
			else {msg = "No Current Weather Alerts"
			id = "none"
				  log.debug "${msg}"}
		else log.warn "${response?.status}"

Never Mind. Figured it out.

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Can you post how you did it please?

Where the problem was, I had too many 'data'. when I did a parseJson( it parsed out the data result. So where I worked on the data I had to remove the data part. For example: if(response.features). Just one of those things that after the fact seemed pretty obvious. I could probably just changed it to parseJson(resp) and got the same result.

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Thanks, your example above helped me convert some code for Garadget

Feel free to look at my NOAA app for reference how to manipulate more of the api.

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Glad I could help. I'm not much of a programmer and I get a lot of my ideas from others.

I know the feeling...hahahha. But I'm quite happy once I figure it out. I converted the app and driver that was making a call every minute to check on the status of the device to async. I left the config calls straight httpget since they rarely (if ever now) will get called. I'm down to only a few 3rd party apps on my hub (tracing down slowdowns). Even though things have already gotten extremely better and I don't think this app was causing much of an issue...I figured it didn't hurt to convert. Plus I rely on the garage doors pretty heavily (they were the reason that I got into HA to begin with) so I couldn't just disable them.