Need help with cancelling a delay in RM

I created a rule that when I leave: lock the door, set the alarm and wait 45 minutes to adjust thermostat. Which all works. I am trying to adjust the rule that if I return before the 45 minute delay executes, cancel the temperature change. Can RM do that? If so, how? Thanks

Off the top of my head, you probably want something like this:

If (some way to detect you are home/return) Then
Cancel Delayed Actions
Exit Rule

Else If (then your current logic for T-stat etc). Use Cancellable option on the time in this portion.


Yes, but it would be helpful to see your current rule in order to provide the best suggestions. In general, the three options are:

  • mark the delay as "cancelable," then use "Cancel Delayed Actions" elsewhere in the rule (this looks like the idea written above as I was typing);
  • run "Cancel Rule Timers" on this rule, which you can call from any rule (but affects all timers/schedules, not just delays--won't matter if you don't have any)
  • see if you can use a "Wait" instead of a "Delay," which will be cancelled any time the rule re-triggers.

Thanks for the quick responses. I went with the "cancel delayed actions" . Didn't know that action was available.

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