Need help on changing setting on motion switch

Hi all. I have a C7 platform version Is there anyway to change a motion switch from one mode to another during different time. I have a Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Motion Switch. I want to set the mode to Occupancy from 4 pm - 6 am then switch it to Vacancy the rest of the time. Thanks.

Not with the inbuilt driver. Use @JasonJoel’s community driver and there is a command to change it which you can invoke via rule machine rule:

Thanks for the information. I was able to change the driver and see the option in rule machine. However, I am stuck on how to switch the setting back and forward. I can set the Trigger at 5 pm everyday and change the operation mode to Occupancy. I am not sure how to switch it back to Vacancy at 7 am. Do I setup another rule to set the Trigger at 7 am and change it to Vacancy?

If it’s 5 and 7 every day you could have trigger fire at 5 and change to occupancy and then have a delay action for 2 hours and change back. If you have a way to determine presence I personally would use that as the trigger to change to vacancy vs a set time which would involve 2 separate rules.

Thanks for the advise. I will follow your suggestion.

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