Need help converting to async http call

Would appreciate any help i can get or pointers:
trying to translate the following api call to an asynchttpGet call in a device driver:

curl ""
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer "
-d 'room_name=Master%20Bedroom'
-d 'location_name=Home' \

Currently succeeding to get an answer back for a 'GET' call without the '-d' parameters, but can't figure out how to include the '-d' section inside the call.

Any help or pointers appreciated!
Here's where i am at right now in terms of code, and it's returning HTTP Error 400:

def sendAmbiGetTemp() {
def params = [
uri: "",
path: "/api/v1/device/sensor/temperature",
requestContentType: "application/json",
headers: ["Authorization": "Bearer "]
def data = ["location_name": "home", "room_name":"office"] params+data
asynchttpGet("handleGetResponse", params, data)

Found the answer myself:
including query in the path solves the issue like such:
