Need help adding a second user to the hub

Thanks. I'll look into it. I figured, in a way, that I was missing something but when I tried to find this other account type you are mentioning, I just could not find it. Thanks again.

Ok, so if I follow this doc below:

it shows a section that no longer exists: "user administration"

Now, if follow this documention's guidelines:

I get this : "user must sign in first"... After clicking on "Add User".... ? I guess this is a matter of being able to have only one admin...
How do I access the "user administration" section shown in the documentation, then? When I click on my hub, as the doc shows, I simply don't get directed to where the doc says I should get to.

I eventually figured it out, but only after clicking a link somewhere else than the one shown in the documentation and after messing around for a while. I am showing here only a small portion of the inconsistencies I had to go through. Of course, in the end, beside the doc not being accurate, I figured that most came from user errors. But this also could be name "lack of foolproof" features. Depends from which standpoint we look at it, I suppose.

I just wanted to leave this post for the record so someone could update the documentation and maybe make things a little easier for what regards creating new portal's users. I had to find the link to access this section anywhere but from the place shown in the documentation and this, in itself, should suffice to deserve some attention.

Don't use that document, all the information you need is on the second page you linked to. The first page is only for local admin account.

At the top of the page you linked to There is the section " Creating new login accounts" click on the link provided there and create a new account.

Then go to the next section, "Promoting a Guest account to Admin" That will walk you through adding that new account that you created to your existing hub and then promoting it to an admin.

If you have suggested edits. feel free to propose them on the docs. It is a wiki for this specific purpose.

Thank you @chuck.schwer

I noticed that it was a wiki but I remain pretty confident in the fact that this is a business and that I'm a customer... HE doesn't strike me as an open source platform. You can't have your cake and eat it too. :wink:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I understand. We provide a number of different methods for fellow home automation enthusiasts to interact with us whether it is by this forum or the wiki or the Hubitat Live show. While we enjoy interacting directly with those enthusiasts on our forum and in our other channels, for those people who would rather maintain a business/customer relationship with us, like yourself, we provide a support email where you can enter tickets in a structured way. I will make sure that future interactions between us are kept strictly business professional. I appreciate your purchase of our product.

Charles Schwer
Hubitat, Inc

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Dear Sir, :slight_smile:

These facts alone speak for themselves:

I found out that the doc was incomplete and that it was a pain to just add a new user without proper documentation. I sent feedback about the matter.

You told me to go complete the documentation myself... You might as well have told me to go do something else to myself, just in a less polite way, it would have been the same type of answer: rude.



I was actually trying to be helpful, but in the future I will refrain from replying to you since my helpfulness comes across as rude, my apologies. I did update the wording on that page before I replied to you with the suggestion that in the future you could propose changes to the wiki yourself instead of posting a message here that we may or may not see. As I mentioned in my post you are welcome to put tickets in as well. We had a number of users ask about editing the docs when they saw an issue and that is why we put it in as a wiki. I know not everybody wishes to help out and that is fine, I will avoid the topic with you in the future.

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Hi @chuck.schwer, I have been struggling for a good hour to help my wife and sons setup their apps on their phones. After searching for a bit (I wish I was better at searching for info...), I found the doc link within this post and it allowed me to set things up properly. They have now all been setup to be able to use their iPhone apps and can now use the dashboards and the awesome geofencing capability.

Thinking of my experience, I wonder if there is a way that the users could be notified that “The app admin will need to add your account to the hub within” after their account has been setup?
Alternatively, is there a way that a notification within the app or via email could be sent to the admin with the new user’s id and instructions on how to add users? To go one step further, maybe a link could be provided that would do most of the work for the admin (fill in the e-mail on the web page)...? It would certainly help Hubitat newbies.

Thanks for all your work! There must be so many things that your team needs to look into!
There is a bit of a learning curb, but as I find solutions I find that I like my new Hubitat Hub more and more!


So I found this because I'm currently stuck trying to figure out how to add my wife to my hub. I have installed the app on her phone, created a portal account for her, and then I get lost. I'm not sure what is the next step to link the hub to her portal account. All the online guidance says is link from portal.... but where?

So, I had my wife sign up for a Hubitat account, and I am attempting to add her as a user. Whenever I enter the email address she used to sign up for an account to the add user page I get the following error:

Error: Request failed with status code 400

Anybody have any experience with this?

Did you follow this doc?

You need to enter the email address you'd like to use, a password for the account (not the email account's actual password) and then enter the verification code that is sent.

I'm having the same problem. When I enter my wife's email address, I get the same error message.

I did! I actually entered her email and password for her, and then she gave me the confirmation code that I entered.

Thankfully whatever the issue was seems to have cleared up. Without changing anything or registering a different email I went to the page to add users and tried her account again, and now it's working. I guess whatever service that adds users was broke for a bit.

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Oh boy, thought I was pretty Hubitat savvy as a new user, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get my wife on our account as a second user, correctly! No matter where I go, what I do I never get to the screen that shows guest users etc.

Following other instructions I had my wife create a separate account on the Hubitat app on her iPhone and complete the email verification. She was then able to click on find your hub on the network and connect, so thought was all good and then she had access to our dashboards etc so all was good.

A couple hours later she wanted to dim the living room lights so she opened the Hubitat app and it brought her to the page where she had to scan for the hub again, like starting over as a new user again!?!?!

So following more community instructions that said to go to the, click on our hub image and it should take me to a screen for adding guest users but clicking on it just takes me into the normal hubitat home page (ie dashboards, devices, apps etc).

I also tried the Hub "Settings" Hub Login Security and then "Add User" but that provided a menu for registering new users but my wife is already registered?

PLEASE HELP:):):)!!!!

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well thanks for the reply.

I almost wonder if someone did something on the back end after my post because I had several hubitat tabs on my browser opened and the one where I clicked on the your hub icon in the "Hub List" which previously left me at the "Welcome to your elevated home" menu switched on its own to the Guest User dialog that it was supposed to go to actually went there on its own at some point after I gave up on it.

So I was then able to add my wife as a guest user. Now her iPhone app is hanging while trying to churn through the process but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Hi @chuck.schwer. I also want to add family members for both geofencing and custom dashboards for them, etc.

My question is do they have to be admins? I would prefer they were 'guest' as I don't want them to change any settings/dashboards/deleting/etc. The doc you referenced shows promoting them to Admin.

Thanks and I'll look for replies

You will be waiting a long time. Chuck is no longer with us.
Chuck Schwer

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Haha...ok. Well, I hope another team member may have time to comment then. :+1:

Well he is with us (as far as I know!) but just not part of the team anymore. The way you said it, he was...
:skull: :ghost:

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