Need help adding a second user to the hub

Hi @chuck.schwer. I also want to add family members for both geofencing and custom dashboards for them, etc.

My question is do they have to be admins? I would prefer they were 'guest' as I don't want them to change any settings/dashboards/deleting/etc. The doc you referenced shows promoting them to Admin.

Thanks and I'll look for replies

You will be waiting a long time. Chuck is no longer with us.
Chuck Schwer

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Haha...ok. Well, I hope another team member may have time to comment then. :+1:

Well he is with us (as far as I know!) but just not part of the team anymore. The way you said it, he was...
:skull: :ghost:

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I have added others as guest in the past. So I am fairly certain you can do so.

Thanks @neonturbo. That would be good. I don't even know how to lock down users to one or two dashboards yet, but I first wanted to make sure I can even add them in to the system properly.. :slight_smile:

...So I guess that document is still the most up-to-date guide on adding user then, correct? I can just skip the step of promoting them to Admin? Or is there another more up to date guide I should be referencing?

I am not sure if there is anything newer.

From memory, I just added them as guest. Been a while though, so I would try to use the documentation instead of trusting my memory.

If someone is already on the hub as a user, go to the portal (Green Hubitat tab), log in, click on your hub, and it should bring up a list of current users. From there you can click the arrow to the right of their name to promote them to Admin, or demote them to Guest.