Need a small zwave extender that actually works

I tried Aeotec and Ring V2 extenders. They are on the ZWave mesh for about 2 years but guess what: absolutely nothing is routed through them. At least V2 are useful as power outage detectors. Aeotec from the other side is absolutely useless.


by code here in nh. an outdoor outlet has to be a gfi outlet..

gonna try one of these first.. think it fits in the outlet cover

Us code only says it has to be a gcfi circuit. Most new homes built today use gcfi breakers and arc fault breakers (for bedrooms). I would confirm with your city. As long as the breaker is gcfi, every outlet on that circuit becomes a gcfi outlet


This is my understanding as well. You can comply in various ways, an outlet is just one way. Another way is to use a GFCI breaker.

My suggestion is to use a Zooz/Minoston/Eva Logic outdoor Z-wave outlet. Just leave it permanently in place dangling out of the receptacle. Cheap, easy, no wiring, and the weathertight cover closes like it is supposed to.

You could even use it during some points of the year for holiday or landscape lighting. I leave one on my front porch at all times, and after a few months you really just don't even see it anymore.

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Would an expandable cover afford enough space to add a ZAC38 or similar extender? Below is my go-to for in-use covers.

got the minoston switch in there .. testing now.. to see if any devices like my zwave contact gate sensor will start using it..

i dont know the temperature tolerances will see when it gets to 10 below..instead of excluding the aeon 7 extender i just plugged it in elsewhere for now. thanks everyone.

It could take weeks... Good luck.

You could do repairs on the devices you want to use it, that could help.

cannot really do a repair.. that is the point they are battery devices outdoors.

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Doh... Time for bed, getting foggy. :slightly_smiling_face:

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That would be an improvement over your current form as shown in your avatar.

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Your lack of appreciation of my Roman nose is disappointing.

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It is roamin' all over your face alright.

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Like a Skesis on a 3 day bender


I'm using an Ecolink Z-wave contact sensor in my gate control box (plastic). It's been working pretty well, routing direct to the hub (again, windowsill). Sometimes when it rains a lot, and there's a lot of moisture on the intervening vegetation, it doesn't work until it dries out some-like a day. That's still conjecture though; it's been pretty reliable.

The downside of the sensor's location is that I have to take the box apart to get at the sensor, which I haven't had to yet, knock on wood.

The Ecolink is wired to a wired contact sensor that I rigged up. (A paint stick and electrical tape was involved.)

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Same sensor i am using but std magnet on a metal fence gate. I have a ziploc bag stuck to post.

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Easier access than mine.

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