Need a Rule that will notify if device(s) are still on

I occasionally get a switch/dimmer that doesn't turn off when told to and some that do not accurately report their on/off status. I want to track the frequency of this over several weeks to determine if it's a device, brand, or location (mesh) issue.

I'm kind of a newbie so I don't know if this is something that can be done in Rule Machine or is more of a custom app. I would run this rule/app at a few minutes after another rule turns off a bunch of lights. If any are still on, It would trigger a notification(s) which devices are still on or reporting they're still on. Is this doable with a rule?
Thanks for your response.

If they are non plus switches they won't report status back and you will need to install the z-wave poller app.

Any ghosts in your z-wave details page? (Post it here for us to look)

For an all off setup where they're not all turning off, you can use @bravenel 's all off app


This looks like it would turn off a switch multiple times to make sure it is off- that will likely solve my problem. Thank you. But what I really want to learn is which of my switches are misbehaving.

As @rlithgow1 notes, check your Z-Wave Details page and if you have any devices that don't show info in the Route column, post screen shots your Z-Wave Details page.

Also, what app are you using for the automation that is failing, and are you turning off a lot of switches at the same time?

Search on Device Status Announcer and Device Status Watchdog, they may have what you want.

But you should first ID if you have any ghosts, they can cause the behavior you're seeing.

If you don't have any ghosts adding some metering to your automations to slow down a flurry of commands being sent can help.

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Thanks. I don't see any ghosts in device details. I will try metering.

One option is to use the built-in Notifications App. Here is an example that would send a notification if a light switch was left on for 30 minutes.

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That what I needed. Thanks!

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