Native Hubitat app Geofencing not working - why is life360 still listed in built in apps?

My Life360 is still working on my C8.
It has always been a little slow though taking 5-10 minutes sometimes.

Will be upgrading to geofencing on my Home Assistant eventually.

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Aren’t nest thermostats able to be controlled through the google assistant integration?


I have mine connected through [RELEASE] Google SDM API - Nest integration So, for me it is true :man_shrugging:


Technically not something they could claim to be supported by the hub / platform, given it is a Community app, but I still expect the reference in the marketing is talking about what was (is?) the Google Home integration.


Its one way. You cannot connect a nest thermostat to Hubitat using that integration. Very misleading

“This integration allows Google Home to control switches, dimmers, thermostats, RGB, RGBW and ColorTemperature bulbs that have been joined to your Hubitat Elevation hub, but the reverse is not possible. Devices that have been added directly to Google Home or Google Assistant cannot be shared with your Hubitat Elevation hub.”

My bad, at least for my part in confusing those.

They do talk about them being supported via Matter as part of the 2.3.7 release:

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This seems like an unrelated discussion for this thread about geofencing. If you’d like to continue it, please start a new thread.


I suspect you are correct, matter-nest integration is possible,..(looks basic) but I have a C7 so dont get the option.

Sorry for diluting the topic.

The lack of an accurate presence is an issue for HE today.


I gave up on using HE’s native presence a long time ago. I use the Apple HomeKit integration with a virtual switch for each person. The Apple presence and geofence is rock solid and super reliable. So when a person arrives or departs, the virtual switch is flipped using an Apple automation. On the HE side a rule monitors the virtual switch and triggers the arrived or departed command on the presence device. I’ve had 100% success using this approach.

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Tell me more about this - how do you get the iOS presence for each user in the homekit home to show up in hubitat for rules?

I can create a virtual presence device in hubitat but do not see a way to tie it to anything in homekit, as the homekit integration is one way - it ports stuff from hubitat to homekit as an accessory.

What do you use as a device driver or app to see the iphone presence that the uses for geofencing?

Create an automation in Apple Home that turns on a virtual switch in HE when present. Then another automation that turns the switch off when not present. Or vice versa what ever your prefer. Then a rule in HE to set the presence based on that virtual switch. Or whatever you want it to do.

It’s been rock solid for me.

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Use the built in virtual presence with switch driver. The proceed as shown in the automations above.


Google Home presence has been working flawless for my wife and I on Pixel phones.

Hubitat's geofencing is awful and unreliable and has been for all 6 years that I've owned it. I am not sure why they can't get it working when every other app I have on my Android that does geofencing does it perfectly. I agree, it's extremely annoying. Presence should be an absolute mandatory feature for any home to be considered "Smart" and it should work properly.

That said, I fixed it using SmartThings arrival sensors (no longer available easily/cheaply) and that solution has been working flawlessly - for my wife and I who have sensors on our keys. I still have no reliable way to detect my housekeeper, babysitter, or anyone else. Wifi works OK for these purposes once they have been here for a minute or two, except for people with iPhones for some reason. It seems iPhones either work fine or not at all and I don't know why.

Probably MAC randomization. iOS is more aggressive about it than Android. Android will set a random MAC the first time you connect to a new SSID but that one doesn't change unless you manually forget the network. If I'm not mistaken iOS will regenerate the random MAC periodically.

This is what I do as well, works perfect.

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Unlike Life360, OwnTracks is an open-source solution and is unlikely to have the same issues for that reason. It's free, and will provide the same functionality as the paid version of Life360. I think it's an upgrade, actually, and recommend that you try it out.

I too would like this. But it does not seem as though it's likely to happen, given that the native presence has had issues for quite some time. Not sure what to make of it, but I've come to terms with it and have been happy with the 3rd party options available. Frankly, the custom apps for this likely provide more functionality than what a native solution would offer. For example, I doubt anyone would expect a native solution to provide geo coordinates and reverse geocoding like Life360 or OwnTracks.

That's not been my experience. I've been very happy with it.

Life360's most recent troubles haven't been going on for THAT long. And it especially hasn't been that long since Life360 actually revealed that they are no longer supporting others' access to the API. I suspect Hubitat will remove the built-in app and update marketing materials soon enough. Claims of false advertising might be a bit harsh and premature at this stage, IMO.


Curious. I was really hoping this would be the saviour of 360. I am on IOS and have found it suitably unreliable not to be a contender so far.

If you have done anything special Id be keen to know as I really want this to work and see no viable solution currently.

I don't see any questions/posts from you in the Owntracks topic. If you have tried it and found difficulties using it, you should post there so the author and other users can investigate and help you resolve issues. That's the best place to ask questions/get help w/the new Owntracks integration. The author is very active and responsive.

Oops - initially I linked to the old Owntracks integration - updated the link! Sorry.