Nat Gas detector

Your nose is the best natural gas detector but I haven't found a good way to integrate it with Hubitat. An almost undetectable amount of gas will be easily detected by the smell but go unnoticed by a sensor. I have one but I wouldn't count on them to save me,

A turkey vulture does a pretty good job, too. But hard to integrate them into your home automation system.

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Hmmm.... I've already got a parrot. If I point a camera at his cage, using software like Zoneminder ( to delimit the bottom of the cage as the zone of interest, then the logic would be something like:

If ( Motion becomes True) then
  while ( counter < 6 )
     wait 10s
     if (Motion is False and Picture is Unchanged ) then

He's an ex-parrot and maybe we have a natural gas leak.

Not that I want to keep one in my living room, but you'd just need a really big cage for a turkey vulture gas detector.

@5fe94872fdbd2dbd06a8 are you related to 7fa64872fdbd2dbd06a8? I just noticed the surname similarity? :wink:

Not related, but we both come from MD5.


The parrot is merely sleeping.

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Nonsense! If it wasn’t nailed to the perch, he’d be pushing up daisies. :wink:

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I do mean to stop an entire house from exploding. I’m talking potentially lethal levels, where the smell is likely to be your last.

This is the post that made me order a detector shortly afterwards


$43 USD - Xiaomi Mihome Honeywell Gas Alarm Remote Alert Air Exhaust Sensor - Banggood Mobile

BUT, Caveat Emptor!


Any question about certification, it is answered here. It is NOT certified for use outside of Mainland China. So if you buy this, don't expect any compensation from your insurance company or a blessing from your local fire department.

My personal statement on this device:

You purchase and use this device, you do so of your own accord and accept any and all associated and potential risks. I do not endorse or recommend it in any way. You are 100% liable for the use and setup of this device. I hold no responsibility for any mishaps, incidents, bodily harm or deaths relating to, or resulting from the installation and use of this uncertified device, which clearly states on the back of the device in English, that it is Only for Mainland China

But it does work, and I have first hand experience that it is very sensitive (Which is adjustable). Mine has the sensitivity set to high. Despite the two false alarms we’ve had since I purchased this in July, I do not intend to lower the sensitivity.

Hi. I was able to solve it by erasing all related config. (both deleting device and driver). Upgraded the hub to latest version, creating the driver using @cuboy29 's code , and rediscovering the device. After that everything seems to be working fine now.

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I had assumed that the Xiaomi device was battery powered and would have a huge advantage since it could easily be installed on the ceiling or high on the wall. I was almost ready to order one when I saw that it has a power supply. In some ways that make sence since the detector is constantly heated and would kill batteries quite quickly.
I do have outlets at the ceiling for my Heiman device and wondering how others have mounted their Heiman devices high on the walls or ceiling? Narural gas being lighter than air needs a detector as high as possible for safest detection.

That wasn't the instruction on the Xiaomi. There's a maximum and minimum distance. I followed the instructions very carefully to make sure it was within the recommended distance.

I am more interested in how folks with the Heiman devices accomplished the high on the wall. Since it plugs directly into an outlet and most outlets are a foot off the floor.

Not trying to argue, but are you sure about the distances? The Heiman manual also has recommended mounting distances. There's no instruction to mount as high as possible. This is a clip from their manual.


Doesn't Xiaomi show less than .3 meters from the ceiling?

I just looked at the Xiaomi manual and it even has mounting instructions for the ceiling.

You're right. I had forgotten that 12 inches (0.3 meters) from the ceiling wasn't feasible for me, so I considered the Heiman instructions that gave a range of 12-39 inches (0.3-1 meter) and used that. Mine is 39 inches from the ceiling.

I plugged mine into a short extension lead that plugs in to the power point behind my fridge. The extension lead allows the unit to sit atop my fridge where there is a 150mm gap / space to the cupboards above and I’ve bought the unit to the front of this gap.

Somebody still uses zoneminder? When was the last time it was updated?

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