I am looking for recommendations on a Nat Gas detector. So what is everyone using?
Interested in options for this too, my wife won't let me go old-school and buy a canary.
Neither would mine but with 11 cats I think gas would be the least of it's worries! Lol
There is probably a retail solution for this but if you want a DIY solution you can use @ogiewon 's hubduino stuff with an ESP8266 and a sensor for gas.
I think someone created a device handler for this in ST land...but I can't remember now.
There are a handful of threads about this device in the ST community. This git was listed among them.
Apparently they are not that plentiful, on the retail side at least. I have a hubdino running temp sensors and relays I will check out what @ogiewon has done.
FYI - I do have an MQ2 smoke detector sensor integrated into HubDuino. I believe there are also MQ2 Gas sensors available as well. I’d recommend looking at the HubDuino MQ2 smoke detector sensor code as a starting point.
I found a MQ2 gas sensor. It uses an analog input.
The MQ5 senses Natural and LPG gases.
OK So I have this connected to the Arduino and Hubduino has detected it as a smoke. it sh0ws it as detecting gas. A couple of questions, In the sketch the setting shows it as high instead of Low for other sensors and Does it take a fair amount of time for the sensor to initialize? I seem to recall in reding up about it that there was a time interval before it was operable.
Here it is, available in zigbee or zwave flavours, with whatever plug you want:
These may all be manufactured in the same factory in China, but branded differently.
Thanks for the links guys. With all the natural gas explosions in the states these last few months, you would think there would be more of these available.
What would be the safest way to test one of these?
I got the Q5. It is supposed to detect propane and Nat gas. So far mine says it is in alarm. I think the sketch for the child in the Arduino is reversed for the Q5 versus the 12 it was written for. Anyway I have a propane torch that I was going to release the gas next to the Q5
I purchased https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QCSGX53/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
( Gas Detector,Combustible Gas Leak Detector for Natural Gas Coal Gas Biogas LPG Voice Alarm (ZigBee Version))
paired with Hubitat hub, but it is working. copied the device handler from ST, but got error so commented out the following line
// result = cmds?.collect { new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(it) }
But unable to get any info from this device
Please let me know how to proceed further
Hi ! Did you solved this problem ? I have the same gas detector and running into the same issue and don't know how to make it work.
Just stumbled onto this post. Just change, physicalgraph to hubitat
result = cmds?.collect { new hubitat.device.HubAction(it) }
Not sure if the rest of the driver will work but try it and see if you get data.
Thanks for quick response. Now I was able to add the drive and associate to the device, but no data from the device.