MyQ showing open all the time... what did I do wrong with my sensor?

I thought I was only supposed to use half of the smart things multipurpose sensor and attach it to the door (next to the myq box). I've done that - and then for the multipurpose sensor in hubitat's settings told it to use it as a garage door sensor. But it shows it is still open all the time even when it's for sure closed... Anyone have some simple instructions on how to fix this? It seems the sensor is reporting the contact open because it's not touching it's other half...

Screenshot shows door and contact are both open... but the door is actually closed.

Post a photo of the sensor on the door.

There are a couple things. I think aaiyar is going to tell you that you put the sensor sideways, or upside down. There is an "UP" to these marked with an arrow.

The other thing would be to check the selection in the device settings. See below.

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My picture looks different than neonturbo's...

Different sensor, different driver, but it looks like you have the correct thing selected. (Do you want to use this sensor......)

Your sensor says it is currently "open" (upper right corner of your picture). Does that ever change?

Did you find the orientation arrow on the sensor?

It never changes - whether it's open or closed. Here's a pic... text on the back is right side up...

It might be affected by how close it is to the MyQ sensor. Does the sensor work if you take it in your hand and tip it?

I tried tipping it and holding it at different angles when I first setup the hubitat driver side of things but it never recognized it being closed. I thought installing it on the door might yield different results. I put it right next to it - as I saw someone else do who posted pics of it...

Well if it isn't working in your hands, it isn't going to work on the door.

Signal strength issue maybe? What happens if you bring it closer to the hub, wait a bit (20-30 minutes) so it can find "the mesh", and then tip it?

Maybe it is just a defective sensor?

@aaiyar any other ideas?

Believe it or not - I moved the contact sensor away from the myq box by about 3 inches and now it works fine. Made no changes... not sure what that means - maybe when I had to unsnap/unstick it from the garage door it shook something loose inside and made it wake up - I dunno. But it's working fine now!

I suspect that MyQ box has a magnet in it. Interesting to see if any steel is attracted to it.

Glad it is working!

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