MyQ or Zooz Relay? About to begin Garage Door Automation

Like @erktrek, I have my MyQ garage door opener connected to Homekit. It kind of goes like this for me. MyQ WiFi opener -> MyQ Bridge (a Chamberlain device) -> Homekit -> Homebridge -> Hubitat. It might seem like a lot, and it is, but I needed the Homekit connection anyway for other Homekit only devices I have. So far, it works flawlessly for me, and it is all local control.

Btw, I have several of the Zen16's that I use for other things. They are nifty devices.


I have been using this tilt sensor and it has been working very well.

For now I just use it to announce when the garage door is open or closed on my phone and announce if the garage door has been open for 1, 2, or 3 hours.

It also turns an LIFX bulb visible from a front window to green when it closes so I know that the garage door is closed as I pull onto the street from the driveway.

Following this thread for further automation of the door!