MyQ/Chamberlain Garage Door Opener?

I am new to the Hubitat/Automation scene. I have been really enjoying the journey! I am looking to integrate my Chamberlain Garage door opener. I have done a search on both Google and within the community forums. Everything I read shows that it once may have worked (with MyQ Lite and a few other solutions) but with a recent change by MyQ it was "broken". I just wanted to give one last post here to see if it is something worth chasing anymore? has anyone heard of anything new around this? (all of the posts ive found are pretty old). I'd love to make this happen but am losing

Thanks for any information provided!

I'll offer my experience - Ultimately I rewired one of the extra remotes - I soldering the remote control to a relay to a smart outlet. it was the cheapest method I could create. worked flawlessly using a virtual garage door app. (LGK's Virtual Garage Door). I've never had a problem. I did get the MyQ running after reading the same stuff you did, and although it did work, I was too nervous about it being external to the home network.


@BigPoppDontStop, I agree with @jshimota. It is relatively simple an inexpensive to get a garage door (or more than) controlled locally by Hubitat. If we had more details about your opener, and the number of doors you have, I'm sure there are folks here you will pipe up with suggestions.


It is working from what I know, I haven't used it in a while. That developer is no longer maintaining the app, so it could quit working tomorrow, or 5 years from now, hard to tell.

The last time there was a MyQ change, I looked at alternative solutions and decided to go with a Zooz Zen17 relay. It is OK, but has a few quirks. There are other similar devices that work for this also.

These Zwave/Zigbee relay devices are nice because they run completely local, you have control over them.


Not an integration, For my older Chamberlain system I settled on the MyQ device and phone app for remote monitoring and control and the Amazon integration for in garage deliveries. I have tilt sensors on the garage doors for Hubitat integration so I know when the doors open and close as well as a visual indication on an Inovelli Red switch. I have a camera in the garage and the tilt sensor auto locks the interior garage door when the small garage door operates. I'd have to say I'm pretty delighted with the way it all operates.

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speaking of tilt sensors - I do also use a contact sensor to report open and closed in case somehow I get entangled. Ultimately, it is all very seamless:

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I lost trust in the integration due to Chamberlain's breaking changes. I use a relay with my Konnected board and hard wired it to the button on the wall in the garage. LGK's Virtual Garage Door App does the rest.


@BigPoppDontStop The MyQ Lite integration is fixed for now but I have to agree with @jshimota @aaiyar that local is the way to go. You can replace your MY Q all together or run in parallel with the following

Zooz Zen-16 Multi point relay (some will say zen-17 but I think for a newbie the 16 is better)

Ecolink Tilt Sensor (For the garage door. Though depending on your door design a regular contact sensor or leaf switch will work)

Optional: Depending on how old or new your garage door is you will need a Security 2.0 to dry contact in line.

All this comes out to less than $100 and can run next to your existing setup.


Local control as described here has been rock solid for me. That thread may give you other ideas.


This is EXACTLY the path I took. I was using the MyQ integration, but MyQ changed their unofficial API and broke Hubitat's MyQ Lite integration. I knew a fix was coming, but that's when I went local.

I eventually wired the dry contact button/relay to the wall switch/panel. The Zen16 kept dropping off my Z-Wave network and the garage remotes didn't work when I had the Zen16 sitting on top of the opener. It must have been wireless interference, but it took me a month of my wife getting home to a closed garage door and her factory remote not working to figure it out.

I use the Zooz Garage Door app in Hubitat to bring it all together.

Now, thanks to a little work in webCoRE, it opens when we get home, closes when we leave, and notifies us when it doesn't.



As this short thread, and the thread linked by @HAL9000, reveals - the predominant sentiment here is to make your garage door control local. And it is pretty easy to do so.

@rlithgow1 and @Equis linked to specific z-wave momentary controllers that can control more than a single door. There are equivalent zigbee momentary controllers that can control one, two or four doors.

If you have a Security+ 2.0 MyQ opener, then you will need an inexpensive pre-wired adapter from Garadget.

If you use the zigbee momentary switches, you will need a door position sensor that pairs directly to Hubitat (like a tilt sensor or a contact sensor).

All in all this is a good weekend project.


The MyQ Lite integration works fine. You do need to add a contact sensor to tell the integration when the door is open/closed, but thatโ€™s it. Installs easily using Hubitat Package Manager.

Yes, itโ€™s not local, and uses the MyQ cloud. If that bothers you, then there are several posts in the forum telling how to use a relay to do local control.


Take a look at @iharyadi 's arrival sensor...


Thanks All! there is a lot of info here. I am VERY new to HE/Automation. I will read and re-read and digest this info. Maybe I installed the wrong MyQ Lite. I will try again and read up on the local suggestions also, seems more secure. Thanks again!

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I'm not so sure the local suggestions are more secure. I would say they are at least as secure using the MyQ cloud. However, they are substantially more reliable than using the MyQ cloud.


Got it. thanks!

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Hello all! I just wanted to circle back and thank you for the help with this. Read up and was able to get it working. Thanks for your patience and time!

Happy Automating!


Well done! Glad you have a local solution working for you. @bobbyD - can this thread be closed?

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