“MyPage” Echo Show skill to show HE Dashboard

Here’s an Echo Show skill that can open 10 predefined URL’s using the built in Amazon Silk browser. I have it setup to open my main dashboard. It can be invoked by saying “Alexa, open MyPage and show dashboard”. If you just say “Alexa, open MyPage”, it will open the last page that was previously opened.


Which Dashboard link did you use? I assume it has to be one of the cloud ones; either Direct or Legacy. I am getting "xdream2000.com sent an invalid response" for all.

I'm using the local link provided by the HE Dashboard app "Local LAN Link to Dashboard". Make sure you scroll down and hit save after typing in your URL's.

Oh geez, that's all it took. Thanks.

Where do I find that address? I am using the @jpage4500 dashboard. This is a game changer if this works. For 25 dollars you can buy first gen echo shows. They actually sound between a dot and a full size so this would be a great dashboard device all the sudden. Makes me wonder if some sort of clicker can be set in the dashboard to keep it active?

Do you use Plex? Wondering if that is possible with this little gem you found?

You can use whichever URL's you want.

One thing to note; after 15 minutes of no activity, it will time out and return to the Alexa Show home screen. Using this skill for media streaming wouldn't be very beneficial.

I can't figure out the URL for neither Plex nor the Joe Page dashboard. If an internal "clicker" can't be done with the dashboard maybe breaking out a Switchbot bot with a stylus would keep it active, weird but effective I would think.

I can access my Plex server using the local IP: http://192.168.xxx.xxx:32400/web

After a few typos (show touch sensitivity sucks) it works. This is sweet. Anybody know what type of a stylus without using my hand (thinking switchbot bot) would trigger the screen?

Do you use Echo Speaks? You could easily set up a rule that runs every 5-15 minutes and executes a "Voice Cmd As Text". I don't know how long it is before Echo times out and returns to home screen.

Or, as an alternative, you could put a motion sensor next to Echo Show and run that same "Voice Cmd As Text" when motion is detected. It's going to cause a problem when you are using Echo Show for other things like listening to music though.

That is just genius. This is the most exciting thread I've seen in awhile. I've been planning on smashing my shows for a mental health excersize for awhile. Now they have an actual purpose. Just gotta get the Joe Page dashboard to work and I may buy some more shows.

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For those of you trying to type in a URL for a dashboard on the Echo Show (HUGE PITA), I just discovered that you can edit the links on your desktop. It makes it MUCH easier to be able to just cut & paste.


On your Echo, open your list by saying "Open MyPage and show list". Scroll down and it will give you a 5-digit code to use on the above URL to access your list on your desktop.

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