Mark II private smart speaker finally gets a shipping date

So the Mark II smart speaker finally has a shipping date (although it is still 10 months in the future). Assuming they deliver, any chance of Hubitat supporting it as a voice assistant? They have a Home Assistant integration already.


Nice! I just read about Genie today, which seems similar (but all DIY, no off-the-shelf product) and I initially thought was something new, but it appears to be a re-branding for the next version of Almond, which I'd considered trying out in the past. These frequent AWS outages are making me consider considering faster. :joy: (Turns out I like voice control in the morning more than I thought.)

I hadn't seen this one before, so I'll have to check it out too and am curious how they compare.


Good lord it’s ugly!

Wow... Yes. That is just an amazingly unattractive device.

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Kinda looks like they put a small LCD screen on something that was last used in the ‘70s.

Love the idea of a local smart speaker though!

Reminds me a little of the Apple Lisa


5 MHz CPU and 1 MB of RAM for less than $10K?


I KNEW I had seen that design somewhere….

The innards might be great, but they seriously need to hire a good designer. That thing looks like it was designed by Stevie Wonder :joy:

And $299? No thanks...

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I run a modified mycroft on a pi4 so I know a little about the code. It would be relatively easy to integrate with hubitat via the maker api IF someone had a lot of time to write the python bits and the 'skill' files. Not all that hard just a long effort. My embedded mycroft/pi4 sends mqtt commands which my hubitat drivers listen on. Just a couple of switches - nothing difficult in groovy but my use is very limited.

If you think the amazon cloud is buggy and slow then you should experience mycroft.


Just took me a moment to find his father... He and Lisa were an item.


Zenith did it better


Here is a full exposition on this tool:

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Does anyone know if such a speaker would be available to Hubitat to speak a TTS notification?
I know that there are DLNA player packages that I could install on the PI where PiCroft is running to turn it into a DLNA speaker. Would that be enough to get some TTS to it?

If you have a pi and the associated audio out working and MQTT (sudo apt install mosquitto-clients) I have drivers so that can do TTS, chimes or/and sirens. It takes a little effort to setup.

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My thanks.

I will get back to you at a later date when I have everything ready (might be awhile).

Thanks again.

The README explains more than you want to know.


FullyKiosk for android has a rest api that you can send tts commands to. I send TTS commands to a tablet in my kitchen when my security camera detects a person approaching my home. The app also serves my Hubitat dashboard wonderfully.

Mine arrived today.


Very cool! Could you share some pics?