November 22, 2020, 1:22am
Great summary and good process followed.
If you have an ISP email address available this might be useful - free, no server-required email service that you can use to send texts to yourself via your mobile-provider's email to text gateway.
Designed to be used to send email to your Phone carriers email to text gateway to enable you to get text messges from hubitat.
But also can be used for any emailing as well.
It is actually installed as a device not an app,
It does need a server to gateway your email through like your isp, etc.
It will show up as a native notification device.
Create one device for every sendmail (email:to) endpoint that you want as a notification device.
NOTE: does NOT work if the email server your are go…
If you have or want to set up a mail server on Pi or NAS, this is an option as well:
Here is a very simple email notification driver that uses telnet to send email notifications to a (?local?) smtp server of your choice.
Note: It CANNOT handle SSL/TLS so is not suitable for GMail or other major mail providers etc. Also it is not very secure so plan accordingly.
This is a beta release so expect some bugs, confusion the usual...