My hubitat just stopped working

I noticed it was working when alexa wouldnt control my routines. and I thought maybe the skill needed disabled and enabled again. Then when i went to the web interface it would not even let me open up the apps section. It took a long time to get to the recover and backup section but when i restored to earlier update, it wont finish initializing. it is stuck on 70 percent. It is one of the first version with the usb zwave and zigbee. Also, If i was to get a new hub, how would I copy all my devices to a new device? Thanks.

Seems to do something with my apps. They start out working then they stop working. Seems to do it with 2.2.6 update. is there a way to see if a certain app is causing it? I havent made any changes to it in forever though.

You might try rolling back to earlier firmware version, a soft reset, and moving from there with a backup from that earlier firmware.

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I am going to try rolling back. But I am going to remove all third party apps. I don't use them anyways, they were just there for tests. When i booted it in safe mode everything was working fast. I couldnt even remove the app codes before i went into safe mode. If that doesn't work, I will roll it back.

well removing those apps didnt work, Here I go back to 2.5. I was wanting to try out the remote admin. It is odd because I have had 2.6 for a while and never been no problems. just started this morning.

I would do a manual back up to pc with current firmware, do a soft reset then restore from the backup I made to my pc.

Ok. Thanks. I will try that.

I don’t have a C-3 / C-4, which it appears you have, but there have been quite a few reports in the forum about C-3 / C-4 owners staying on 2.2.5 because of issues with 2.2.6.

I did a soft reset and even have the newest update and the alexa skill connected to it no problem and it hasnt crashed yet.