My First Dead Device

Well, I have been at this HE hobby for about 3 years now, and I just had my first device go bad on me. Its a GE Jasco zwave on/off switch. I pulled the airgap and cycled the breaker to no avail, so I am simply replacing it, since I have a few spares lying around. I am on a C5. Once I remove the device from all my rules is there anything else I need to do to remove a zwave device, or do I simply hit remove in the device window.

Thanks, for the help.

Those switches have a 5-year warranty, so make sure you call up Jasco and let them know what happened and they'll send you a new one for free. Very cool.

Easiest may be to use the Replace option from the Z-Wave details page.

You can install the new switch, and then hit refresh on the existing switch on the Z-Wave details page. And when the Replace button appears hit it and put your new switch in pairing mode and the hub should pick up the new switch to replace your existing one.


I don't remember if the C-5 has that option. If it does, this would be best way to proceed.

If it doesn't, you might have to force remove the device. Doing so may create a ghost, and if it does, a secondary controller may be needed to remove it.


Totally missed the C5 mention. Thanks for catching that

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Had to do the force remove since the device is not functional. Once I did the force remove I no longer see it in the "zwave details" page. (All the listed devices correspond to actual working devices), so I will assume I have no ghost.


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Very likely so. You may wish to do a z-wave repair in a day or two.

Also, I forgot to mention this, but this new feature (Swap Apps Device) may be useful in fixing all your automations to use the new device. But it only works if it is used before you remove the old device from all your automations.

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LOL, that would have come in handy. But it was a simple device associated with 2 simple automations and 1 dashboard (almost forgot the dashboard), so it wasn't much work. But good to know. Thanks.

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