My Christmas Present to Myself

11 inovelli multi white bulbs
6 inovelli red series dimmers
1 inovelli black series switch


Now we know why Christmas is the best time of the year!

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Wife just told me to order 2 more of the 4 red dimmer / 2 bulb boxes :slight_smile: Guess she likes them

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That looks like a very nice Christmas to me.

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Lucky guy. My wife told me stop buying HA until I use all the devices still in boxes first. Which equate to never :cry:


Easy Fix. Take the devices out of the boxes and discard the boxes!

I'm lucky...if the Mrs pokes at me for the smart home devices....I just ask how many boxes of shoes have been delivered to the house in the last few weeks, subtract the number of smart home devices I've received in the same period, and point out the positive balance of shoes....on a one for one ratio, I'm well in the green. Always.




I have my devices shipped to the office and remove them from the boxes before going home... Easier to hide how much Iā€™m spending on this obsession :joy:


I say it's "for work"... :slight_smile:

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We're building a new house, so everything I'm upgrading in our current house is "research" for systems for the new place.

So far, that's 3 Hubs and 5 Sonos devices. :rofl:


I got all devices up except for 1 dimmer... The family was freaking out over my killing power to their devices :crazy_face:

How dare you!

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Finally finished all my inovelli stuff.. Already ordered some more :rofl: