My C7 Hates Most GE Devices When Including

Is really good advice, I don't like including devices at the hub either then doing a repair but I guess it works for some people. My C7 z-wave has been running really well so far, I hope I didn't just jinx myself. :crazy_face: The post's I read about people waking up and their entire z-wave network is gone makes me cringe.


I cringe when I hear people say they are going to reset their Z-Wave network.. gahhhh... :exploding_head:

With a large number of ZW devices of mixed variety (all at least ZW+ though) that's a terrifying prospect..


Dogs and cats, living together...

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I was thinking about buying some ring Motion sensors v2 to test out are they 700 series? If you have any how to you like them do you notice any trigger speed difference, like say with turning on lights.

They are zwave 700. I know @bcopeland uses them as well.

My comments:

  1. Seem pretty fast. Subjectively about as fast as my samsung zigbee motion that it replaced - which is pretty good for a zwave motion sensor!
  2. Even on the lowest sensitivity setting my 10 lb cats still set off the motion. So I would definitely call them NOT pet immune.
  3. They are physically bigger than I expected. Not crazy big, but big.

Wow...they could eat my Chihuahua for dinner. :wink:

Why I haven't gotten any yet...aside from the price (cheapie me) I don't like the size.

Just picked up two Iris v2 motion sensors on eBay for $13 each! Woot! Love them little suckers so much.


One of my cats weighs 16 lbs, mostly muscle.


He does like to eat.


Good looking cat!

My 2 bengals -

Thar Be Cats Below Here!

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Q: What do @672southmain's Thor and @JasonJoel's Bengals eat?

A: Whatever they want...


Bailey (and Harper) will NOT be visiting either of you, if that's OK. They are busy resting up from walking all the way from the family room to the office. [pant-pant]
