Multisensor Humidity Tile always shows battery level

I have many Aeotec Multisensor 6s. On the dashboard I can choose Temperature or Illuminance and it will display just that value and the sensor name in a tile. But If I select Humidity is also shows the battery % in the top left which causes an issue where space is limited. I don't want battery level there anyway as most of mine are USB powered and I have a separate dashboard page for battery levels only.

If I choose to just display the humidity as an attribute, it looses the % from the humidity level so it isn't clear what it is.

Could the battery level be removed from the Humidity tile (or made an option if others need it)?


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I have this same problem. It's with a zwave thermostat but 100% battery is always displayed in upper left corner. Not sure how to edit the templates. That would be nice.


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