Multiple Sprinkler Valves in Different Locations

I'm looking for some suggestions to interconnect my sprinkler valves.

My current layout is I have is as follows:

  • 2 sprinkler valves in my front yard with a designated controller

  • 3 valves in my garden on one side of my backyard with a designated controller

  • 2 valves on the opposite end of my backyard with a designated controller

I would like to go with a Smart Controller, like a Rachio, but don't want to do separate controllers for each of the above locations, and yet trying to avoid running wires back and forth due to limitations to getting wires to the valves.

Does anyone have some suggestions on using some smart devices to connect to one controller and active the other valves remotely?


Yes, I do that to control BHyve garden hose valves from my Rachio as if they were Rachio zones. I use both the Rachio and Orbit BHyve integrations and simply mirror the actions taken on the Rachio side on the Orbit side.

In your case, consider putting a Zooz ZEN16 or similar in place of your other two controllers.

Trigger: If Rachio Zone 5 changes
If Zone 5 open then open ZEN16 Relay A
Else close ZEN16 Relay A

Once you get it set up, then you control/schedule all from the Rachio app. Rachio won’t care that there are actually no valves connected to some of its zones.


Ah! So Hubitat will see, with the Ranchio integration, if a Zone is on or off?


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Exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks for your help!