If you look at the hubitat github site, this driver: (HubitatPublic/examples/drivers/genericZWaveCentralSceneDimmer.groovy at master · hubitat/HubitatPublic · GitHub) you can see that at the 2.2.3 they changed to a new way of handling secure encapsulation ("switch to internal secure encap method"). Presumably, they would have also made similar changes to other drivers to use this new security encapsulation. So it certainly looks like drivers were significantly changed in 2.2.3 - it would seem that's something that deserves focus.
Yeah, they changed/improved the secure wrapper in 2.2.3.
The driver on the device I saw repeat messages on didn't use the new wrapper though.
Doesn't mean it isn't related somewhere under the hood though. Dunno.
I'm just glad it is a short lived, maybe once a week thing on my hub.
And I've never gotten my development hub to do it at all, which is unfortunate as I would have better data to work off of. I'm not willing to try and 'break' my production network to try and reproduce it more frequently there.
I wish that was the case but I can repeat the issue on any of my Z-Wave dimmers/switches.
I'm reverting to 2.2.2 to see if that is better then holding out for the 2.2.4 firmware, then plan to raise issues again if they persist (from postings on this message board, the Hubitat staff seem to be addressing many bugs in 2.2.4 -- now I just have to wait and see). For me, 2.2.3 was a giant mess.
Just to answered your question, no, I still have a tonne of entries in my logs. It's very frustrating. Agree it only started happening after 2.2.3. I'm hoping it's fixed in the new forward release but if it isn't, I'll revert back to 2.2.2 as well.
Reverting back seemed to fix the problems I was having - there are still repeating messages sometimes, but at least it the system doesn't lock up anymore.
Since 2.2.3 I've been experiencing a very long delay between when the door opens and my z-wave sirens chime to indicate a door was opened. Anyone else?
Has anyone seen an improvement in these issues? I.e dozens of log entries for a single switch turned on or off and extreme delay in z-wave sirens/chimes when all other z-wave device are speedy (i.e not a z-wave mesh issue)
It has improved a lot for me. I think it was the v2.2.4 update but not positive. I still get occasional duplicate entries but nothing like the rash of logs I was getting before
Ugh, I'm still getting quite a lot of duplicate entries
Does this happen after you physically adjust a z-wave central scene dimmer or switch which uses the "generic" z-wave driver? If so, what's the make / model of the dimmer (you can get the mfr, deviceType, deviceProduct code on the Hubitat device web page). I had this problem and found it was a timing error relating to how the Central Scene Held and Release messages are processed (there's a specific 200 mSecond timing requirement relating to a hold refresh function -- later devices switched that to about 59 seconds so there can be a timing incompatibility with some later devices and the "generic" driver). If that's the case, try the driver I placed here: HubitatCustom/Stock Driver at main · jvmahon/HubitatCustom · GitHub (I have not thoroughly tested it - I'm currently using another driver I am working on - but I think it may fix the timing problem). Let me know.
Also, if you have Zen25 devices in your network, turn off metering (parameter 18). There's a know issue with how they report metering information which can cause a flood of network messages making the timing problem I alluded to worse.
Through a lot of wasted time, I seem to have solved the issues that arose after 2.2.3. See here: