Just would like to know if its something possible to have multiple geofence to use? It would be nice to be able to use other location to set automation! Is there a place to propose this functionnality? For example, if I want to tell the hub that I m on my way to home to start heating the house before I get there there is no way! With multiple location we could build automation like that… for now I m able with a 3rd party app and jailbreak phone but it would be cool to have it on the app directly.
For those who want to know, I made 2 circles that are embeded and if I enter the second one while still in the first one it tell the direction I m going… I made one automation like that in every main road that lead to my house at 10 minutes from my house…
If I understand what you're asking for, I would suggest looking into Locative. You can setup multiple geofences easily. And it's been rock solid for me. This thread will help: Locative for presence sensing
Hi, thanks! Looks great but the only thing is that Its hard to tell if I enter a geofence while still in other because I need to use web request separately… so I must use the pro version with a 3rd party app like ifttt and maybe my google sheet to store stuff…
For now I use yonomi wich have integrated routine where you can tell if inside circle or not… but with this app you only receive a notification… so I must use the notification to tell other services (need jailbreak to do it) or I can pull data from my google sheet with google script to pull data from dashboard with request with credentials…