Multiple Events for Single Action

No one ever likes to hear this, and will argue it all day long, but multiple messages like that are almost always (like 99%+ in my experience) a mesh issue.

Now, the "mesh issue" could be being caused by the hub - so I'm not saying it is not hub related - but still.

Yes, little things like logging physical and digital for the same occurrence can happen, depending on how the driver is coded. But that isn't a big deal as the event will be de-duplicated anyway before an actual event is made. So that isn't a big deal.

The only way you can prove it isn't mesh related is get out a sniffer.

I'm not sure what the exact issue is between the two drivers but we can always chime in support and ask them to take a look.

If this is the case then why with no additional devices removed/added did this issue start happening around the time that the C7 hub came out? I have NOT touched my Z-Wave devices or moved anything in over 6 months.

It's possible they broke some drivers along the way. I'm sure they had to update a bunch of them to get them to play nice with the new stack. I'd still ask support to take a look.

I can't see your mesh or invisible radio waves....

The only way you know for sure if those messages are really happening is to use a sniffer on the mesh.

You are making assumptions that may/may not be right on what is happening. Without knowing what messages are actually flying around, it is just that - a guess.

All I can say, is after years (on and off) of logging zwave traffic, I have only seen repeat messages like shown in some of the pictures above when there were problems with the mesh. Again, the "problem" could be on the hub side/the hub itself - it is on the mesh too, ya know.

No way of knowing without low level data.

I understand this but without making any changes to my mesh and all of a sudden an issue that was not present now exists, with only a change in HE firmware you can see why I hesitate to believe it is my mesh. I have around 40 dimmers/switches spread all throughout the house and everything is Z-Wave plus, and for years it was working fine....

AGAIN, the hub is PART OF THE MESH TOO. I'm not necessarily saying it is one of your devices - although it still could be. Device routes are fluid, and change - sometimes for the worse. Devices get flaky at times. Etc.

The point is that you don't really know if it is:

  1. Mesh issue (device or otherwise)
  2. Driver issue
  3. Hub software issue

Because you don't know if the messages are really happening on the mesh. Without data, it is a guess. And that is OK - everyone makes guesses based on the information they have.

If this were a mesh issue would the issue not present itself in both the generic driver and the Leviton driver? Yet I receive different results when switching drivers.

Depends on how they are written. Stuff showing up in the log is completely driver dependent. Many times those messages are really happening in both cases, but the driver author chose not to log them...

No way of knowing without seeing the code for BOTH drivers.

For instance, in my drivers I tend to be very verbose on repeated input message logging so I can see it. Doesn't mean it still isn't happening if you switch back to the in-box driver though.... They log differently than I do.

Which of course is not possible because these are stock drivers.

I also do have a couple Z-wave motion sensors which I do not experience the issue with.

There is also the fact that I am not the only user on here that is experiencing the same issue.

I have it happen on my C-7 hub intermittently.

In my case, the messages are really happening, as proven in the sniffer logs. So not a driver issue in MY case. Has to be either a hub or device issue. I haven't bothered tracking it down yet as it is infrequent and not hurting anything (yet) on my mesh.

Is the hub not sending ACKs like it is supposed to sometimes? Is the hub sending multiple messages because it isn't waiting the correct amount of time for an ACK from the device? Are packets getting corrupt/CRC errors somewhere in between causing re-broadcast? All things that have to be considered.

No one is arguing that SOMETHING is happening on your system. My whole point is don't assume it is the drivers or hub software... I would say it is much more likely it is the mesh side - with the new C-7 radio being a prime suspect (but not the only one).

The C7 is a different animal because of the new software stack, so I suspect there also may be differences in these issues between the C7/C5. The thing is there has been a lot of changes to Z-wave since the C7's launch, which happen to be with when these issues started appearing.

I am on a C5 BTW also not a C7.

I understand where your coming from, its just still hard for me to believe a mesh issue when my Z-network has been constant with no changes for so long. I mean I guess its possible a device could be faulty now, that was not previously.

Dunno. Maybe your neighbor bought a really powerful baby monitor and is causing interference - those are often on 900MHz. :wink:

Closest neighbor is 1500ft away, I live on a 7 acre lot lol


I've had it happen on my C-4 too before I went to C-7. In those cases it was a GE Motion Dimmer that got pissed off for reasons unknown and decided to send about 10-15 messages/second to the hub. Had to power down the circuit and "reboot" the dimmer to get it to stop. Been running fine ever since.

Weird things happen.

To be honest, it's not really the drivers responsibility to de dup unsolicited events sent from a device.

I agree with that in general.

There are RARE times when there is little choice (like why there is a dedup option on the generic motion sensor driver), but in general the driver should be reporting what it receives.

Simply an appeasement for what should be considered faulty device firmware...

I tried at least 10 switches/dimmers, even the 1 GE model I have and all exhibited the same issue.

I mean if there is more I can do to figure this out I do not mind, please point me in the correct direction and I will diagnose this more.

No argument from my side. :slight_smile:

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