Multi light raise/lower - pico control

Scenario: two fixtures on plug in dimmers, one 5 button pico

Goal: program the raise/lower (buttons 2/4) on Pico to raise lower only the currently active dimmers (level >0)

What I want to do is have the raise lower effectively act as a master for the currently active lights. I have buttons 1/5 set to control on/off (0/100) of the two dimmers individually by press/double press in button controller.

I don't need to know how to do it, but is this even possible? Within button controller or rules machine?

What I would do to achieve this is setup 2 button controller rules that are copies of each other. Each would be associated to a single light, linked to the same button controller and restricted to only run if the specific light is on.


I'm trying to actually build a rule for this with a variety of IF-THEN statements, but I am running into an oddity that I do not understand.

I have an action currently set on a pico button, via button controller to fade two dimmers (lamps plugged into two plug-in dimmers) to 0.

Visually and functionally, this appears to work and turn off the lights. However, a "level" value is being retained on both dimmers:


So, when I try to run this rule to adjust both dimmers by +10%, which should turn them both on to 10% if they are at 0%, it fails because this "level" value of 100/60 respectively is being read--even though they were set to 0% by the button action. Thus the IF conditions are FALSE and the rule will not run.

But, in my view the current state should be 0, not 100 or 60.

I think the level is retained to allow the dimmer to remember the level when it was last turned off, and it is seeing “0” as off and therefore keeping the last setting?

I would try setting it to “1” and then to “0” after a 2 second delay to see if that works better.

So, button:

The adjust to "0" doesn't ever change the level to 0

Then Rule to raise lights by 10% depending on condition.

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