Hello Community. A few weeks ago I started having issues with my c7 and finally it has died. I have bought a c8 hub but how do I move over all my devices and automations without the old c7 being usable?
Any help is appreciated.
Hello Community. A few weeks ago I started having issues with my c7 and finally it has died. I have bought a c8 hub but how do I move over all my devices and automations without the old c7 being usable?
Any help is appreciated.
Do you have the hub protect service, and do you have any cloud backups of the C7 hub?
Or do you have any local backups of the C7 saved on a PC?
If the C7 is dead and you don’t already have any prior backups, that’s going to limit your options pretty severely.
Limit, as in no options. Like any device that has failed, you can't access/restore stuff if you don't have a backup downloaded from it to some other device, like to a laptop or NAS, etc. Same as if your laptop died and you never created an external backup of any of the data on it...
Unfortunate to be sure, if that's the state you're in.
Are you sure your C7 is entirely dead? What happens if you plug it in, what color is the LED?
Unfortunately I do not have any cloud backups only the firmware upgrade backups, whenever the updates came I backed up the old one to a laptop. But will those restore devices and automations?
Automations only...radio data is not saved in the local backups, only in CLoud backups that are provided w/the Hub Protect subscription.
Asking again...what color is the LED on your hub when you plug it in?
I do have the firmware backups, but I am unsure if that will restore the devices and automation's to the new c8.
The c7 displays a blue light when plugged in. The restore/shutdown/reboot does nothing and it gets stuck forever at 15%.
Without device info I figure automations are useless. So it means re-adding every device?
Yes, you'd have to reconnect every device...
Zigbee: "Easy" as reset/re-join should slot them back into their old device IDs and automations.
Z-Wave: More complex, not so easy.
Before you do that, go to the address below in your browser:
hub IP address:8081
e.g., in the case of one of my hubs:
Use your own IP address, of course.
Once you get there use Download Backups to download the last few backups you have on your list.
Then do a Soft Reset, and restore your latest backup when the hub boots up again. More on Soft Reset here:
If it works as it should you may come up w/a fully functioning hub again...
Thank you so much danabw.
Thanks, but you can thank me/us after you're up and running again, hopefully you'll get there.
At least with zigbee, with local backup the hub will recognize the zigbee device and slot it back into its place. Just put the device in pairing mode.