Moving devices from 1 C8 Pro -to- 2 C8 Pros & into a Mesh Set Up

I have two C-8 Pro hubs. One is Brand New. The other has all my Devices, Apps, and Rules on it. I'm looking to understand some basic step-by-step instructions on moving some of the devices from the current running hub over to the new hub and set up all devices on both hubs in a Mesh set up.

I've read all the 2 Hub Mesh set up documentation... twice, but nothing in there really describes how to move from using 1 Hub to 2 hubs in a Mesh...., set them both up, and finishing with about 1/2 the devices installed on 1 hub, and 1/2 on the other.... with all devices shared between them in a mesh enabled set up. I have too many Zigbee end devices to fit on one hub, and am choosing not to go with repeaters since I already own the 2nd C8 Pro.... and distance from my hubs to all devices is not an issue.

How do I move just some of the devices to the New Hub without having to "Add Device" (about 20) for each device I want moved over to live on the new hub (but with Mesh enabled). Can I just download a Backup from Hub 1 and Install that Backup on the New Hub 2... then remove devices from each until they are all separated and then click them as Mesh Enabled?


Short answer is that I believe that you really can’t. Using a cloud backup and restoring it to the other is tempting but actually would make things worse as both sets of radios would be indistinguishable from the others and the devices would try to respond to both. The only way that would work is if you had both Zwave and Zigbee devices and split the devices between the hubs by protocol. Even then trying to remove the unwanted devices without impacting the other hub would need to be done very carefully.

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