Motion/Temp/Humidity sensor

@mike.maxwell, thanks for the Nyce recommendation. I got the ceiling mount for my bathroom and it is FINALLY the one stop solution to cover the general room and the shower with one motion sensor. They are a bit expensive but if the battery life is anywhere near their claims, this is worth every penny. Hopefully I can eventually put the humidity sensor to use. I just have to decide how I'm going to make my exhaust fan smart.

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or a Stephan Hackett original?

First I need a hardware solution. As with everything in my home, adding smarts is a challenge. The dual gang switch box only has enough room to handle one smart switch safely. So I need to add the zwave/zigbee module in the ceiling which is outside my comfort zone. I'll have to get an electrician and I'm not ready for the investment yet.

@mike.maxwell I wanted to give you a heads up on the built in NYCE Motion Sensor Series driver. They do not report units for humidity or temperature. Came across this while querying my database and these were being flagged with null values in the unit field. Of course this isn't a priority, but please update these to match the other built in drivers for consistency.
Thanks in advance, Stephan

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Are the Iris V3s as snappy for reporting motion as the V2? And how often do they report humidity?

humidity is every 5 min. Motion is maybe a tad slower.

Does a humidity change ever trigger it to update?

I have two of the V3's. Not nearly as sensitive and not as quick. Humidity seems to work well, which it what I mainly use them for

Did the NYCE NCZ-3045-HA ZigBee Curtain Motion Sensor end up working well?
How fast is the motion detection for light controll++ and what other sensor is working for this one?
A tad costy when shipped to Norway, so want to be sure first.
Does the driver support Celcius too?
Thank You all so much for any reply!
Amazing community, I have to say! Great work!
Kind regards
Oslo, Norway