Motion sensors' battery showing 162% and 170%

We don't publish most of our driver code, driver updates are included in platform releases, the last update to "fix" this issue was included in platform release 2.3.2.

The correct driver for this device is Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor (no temp).

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I am on
I am using the correct driver.
These sensors DID report the correct battery life UNTIL an update, so they WERE working. I just don't remember what update changed things.
Here is a screenshot of one of my sensors. I have 5 right now and they all report incorrect battery levels, and all around %40 with a %100 battery.

great, so here's the deal, same part number, same manufacturer, different firmwares appear to be reporting battery levels differently.
There is little I can do about this.

So what firmware works?

I don't know as currently it isn't being reported in Hubitat.

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So I'm confused...
You say different firmwares report battery levels differently, but you say that

Does that mean that the firmware that is running now doesn't report the version?

Different internal firmware versions is the only explanation i have for this, whether we know the specifics or not.


I too have just setup 4 3R leak and contact sensors (8 total) and all of them are showing around 45-50% battery on fresh batteries.

I too am seeing incorrect battery levels on the "Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor (no temp)" driver.

All devices report > 100 batter back (via API) and the web interface (I know the devices are in the 80% range )

I am on
I am using the correct driver.
These sensors DID report the correct battery life UNTIL an update, so they WERE working.

perhaps you are using the wrong types for the math (int vs float vs ...) in the driver ??? Something chaged on the Hubitat side for sure (as noted in all the comments )

This issue is fixed in the HE beta, so when the next HE release goes live for everyone, you should see it rectified.


Awesome thanks @hydro311 . Hi-5 and fist bump to you and the team!

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Thanks, but I'm just a regular end-user too -- this is the first time I'm participating in the beta program.

I know the first rule of beta is to not talk about beta, but I figured that bit of good news would be welcome to those of us affected by this issue.

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There is someone here to see you...



Thank you

They'll miss


Updated to the latest release, did not see any changes to the battery %’s. :frowning_face:

The change may not be immediate -- the devices may some need time to check in -- give it a day to see if it kicks in.. My motion sensor and contact sensor both are reporting accurately now, and I recently noticed my gen2 switch is now reporting battery (it wasn't reporting battery at all before). Not sure if that latter was part of this update, but I'll sure take it!

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